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Adaptations in General Education Classrooms for Students With Severe Disabilities: Access, Progress Assessment, and Sustained Use
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-23 , DOI: 10.1177/1540796919846424
Megan S. Finnerty 1 , Lewis B. Jackson 1 , Renee Ostergren 2

This study examined material adaptations being used with students who have severe disabilities in general education elementary classrooms during language arts, social studies, and science instruction. Data sources included classroom observations, interviews, and artifacts shared by three general and special educator teams. Findings revealed themes that describe how adaptations (a) facilitate access to grade-level content (tangible, student-centered, and blended with classroom materials and instruction) and (b) enable educators to assess progress in student learning (show what students know, blended with peer learning, and ownership of learning). Findings also revealed a set of themes (team collaboration, resources available, rhythm and routine, and build momentum) that help account for the sustained use of adaptations by educator teams across curricula and school days. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.



本研究调查了在语言艺术、社会研究和科学教学期间,在通识教育小学课堂中对患有严重残疾的学生使用的材料改编。数据来源包括课堂观察、访谈和三个普通和特殊教育团队共享的人工制品。调查结果揭示了描述改编如何 (a) 促进获取年级内容(有形的、以学生为中心的并与课堂材料和教学相结合)和 (b) 使教育工作者能够评估学生学习进度的主题(展示学生所知道与同伴学习和学习的所有权相结合)。调查结果还揭示了一组主题(团队协作、可用资源、节奏和常规、并建立势头),这有助于说明教育团队在整个课程和上课日中持续使用改编。讨论了对实践和未来研究的影响。