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Book Review: The Data Collection Toolkit: Everything You Need to Organize, Manage, and Monitor Classroom Data by Golden, C.
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-23 , DOI: 10.1177/1540796919883247
Melinda R. Snodgrass 1

As a long-time special educator turned teacher preparer, I frequently search for practical resources that reflect up-to-date academic rigor and best practices. Cindy Golden’s (2018) Data Collection Toolkit: Everything You Need to Organize, Manage, and Monitor Classroom Data captured my attention, as data collection is a challenge that I observe in-service and pre-service educators struggle to manage. As I reviewed the book, I considered three perspectives that I perceive as critical to the field: (a) accessibility of the book to both general education and special education teachers to promote inclusive, collaborative education; (b) applicability of the resources introduced to students with all types and degrees of support needs, including students considered to have severe disabilities; and (c) applicability of the information to a universally designed classroom in which the breadth of skills and supports teachers must offer—including trauma-informed and culturally responsive and culturally reciprocal practices—are represented and/or easily integrated into the resources provided. First, I will briefly summarize the contents of the toolkit and then offer my observations in relation to these three considerations.


书评:数据收集工具包:组织、管理和监控课堂数据所需的一切,Golden, C.

作为一名长期从事特殊教育的教师准备者,我经常寻找反映最新学术严谨性和最佳实践的实用资源。Cindy Golden (2018) 的数据收集工具包:组织、管理和监控课堂数据所需的一切引起了我的注意,因为数据收集是我观察到的在职和职前教育工作者难以管理的挑战。在我审阅这本书时,我考虑了我认为对该领域至关重要的三个观点:(a) 这本书可供普通教育和特殊教育教师使用,以促进包容性、协作性教育;(b) 引入的资源适用于有各种类型和程度的支持需求的学生,包括被认为有严重残疾的学生;(c) 信息适用于通用设计的课堂,其中教师必须提供的技能和支持的广度——包括创伤知情、文化响应和文化互惠实践——得到体现和/或容易地整合到所提供的资源中。首先,我将简要总结工具包的内容,然后就这三个考虑因素提出我的看法。