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The role of online dictionary advertisements in language reception, production, and retention
ReCALL ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0958344018000149
Anna Dziemianko

Today, people want to consult dictionaries of good quality, but they expect them to be available online for free. For this reason, publishers need advertisements to cover the costs of producing and maintaining online dictionary content. This paper aims to investigate the role of advertisements in language reception, production, and learning following online dictionary consultation. It also undertakes to determine whether advertisements in an online dictionary affect the time needed for dictionary-based decoding and encoding. In the experiment, participants consulted one of the most prestigious dictionaries of English for foreign learners, OALD9 (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th edition). Two versions of the dictionary were employed in the study: one that includes advertisements and is available online free of charge, and its advertisement-free counterpart, OALD9 Premium. In the receptive task, the participants were requested to explain the meaning of new English words. In the productive one, they had to use the words in sentences. Meaning retention was checked in the immediate post-test. The research reveals that advertisements in OALD9 impede language reception, production, and learning, and also extend the time for comprehending new words. Suggestions for further research into advertisements on dictionary websites are presented in the final part of the paper.



今天,人们希望查阅质量好的词典,但他们希望它们可以免费在线获得。出于这个原因,出版商需要广告来支付制作和维护在线词典内容的成本。本文旨在调查在线词典咨询后广告在语言接收、生产和学习中的作用。它还负责确定在线词典中的广告是否会影响基于词典的解码和编码所需的时间。在实验中,参与者查阅了最负盛名的外国学习者英语词典之一,OALD9(牛津高级学习词典,第 9 版)。研究中使用了两个版本的字典:一个包含广告并且可以免费在线获得,另一个版本是无广告的 OALD9 Premium。在接受任务中,参与者被要求解释新英语单词的含义。在富有成效的情况下,他们必须在句子中使用这些词。在立即的后测中检查了意义保留。研究表明,OALD9中的广告阻碍了语言的接受、产生和学习,也延长了理解新词的时间。本文的最后部分提出了进一步研究词典网站上的广告的建议。