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Templates of Ethnographic Writing in Organization Studies: Beyond the Hegemony of the Detective Story
Organizational Research Methods ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-12 , DOI: 10.1177/1094428120944468
Tammar B. Zilber 1 , Patrizia Zanoni 2, 3

Using a translation lens, we explore templates for writing ethnography in organization studies and their evolution over time through the analysis of all ethnographic papers published in the premier journal Administrative Science Quarterly, 1956-2018. We found three templates of ethnographic writing. Few early ethnographic papers resemble travelogues, as they use theory to explain a unique case based on firsthand experiences of the author. Most studies read like detective stories, using extensive, quantified data from a case and systematically analyzing it to advance theory. This template has remained predominant over time. Finally, some ethnographic papers read like postmodern detective stories, in that they attempt to create knowledge from lived experience, while also hinting at the partiality of this knowledge. This template appeared around the turn of the century but is today rare. The overall low number of ethnographies and the lasting hegemony of the ethnography as detective story template reflect the strict disciplining of ethnography into the emulation of positivist research, constraining knowledge creation in organization studies. We conclude by offering researchers some strategies to recover the strengths of templates available in the past to broaden the boundaries of existing norms for writing ethnography today.



我们使用翻译的视角,通过分析在1956-2018年发表在《行政科学季刊》(Primary Journal of Administrative Journal)上的所有民族志论文来分析组织研究中民族志写作的模板及其随时间的演变。我们发现了三种人种学写作模板。很少有早期的民族志论文类似于游记,因为它们使用理论来根据作者的第一手经验来解释一个独特的案例。大多数研究都像侦探小说一样阅读,使用案例中的大量量化数据并对其进行系统地分析以推进理论发展。随着时间的流逝,该模板仍然占主导地位。最后,一些民族志论文读起来像后现代侦探小说,因为他们试图从实际经验中创造知识,同时也暗示了这种知识的偏性。该模板出现在世纪之交,但今天却很少见。人种志的总体数量很少,而作为侦探故事模板的人种志的持久霸权则反映了人种志对严格实证主义研究的严格训练,从而限制了组织研究中的知识创造。最后,我们为研究人员提供了一些策略,以恢复过去可用模板的优势,从而拓宽了当今编写人种志的现有规范的范围。
