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Enabling career success as an emergent process
Organizational Dynamics ( IF 1.133 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2016.07.001
Peter A. Heslin , Daniel B. Turban

In this article, we explore the possibilities that may arise from conceptualizing career success as an emergent process rather than as a cumulative outcome. Doing so is akin to focusing more on whether you are self-actualizing than on whether you have attained self-actualization. We discuss issues you might consider as you answer the overarching question: What would I do to have a more successful career if I thought about it as an emergent process? Specifically, we suggest you start by reflecting on your answers to the following questions: • Am I working in a role and organizational culture that feels right for me? • Have I seriously considered what career success means to me?• Am I being duly recognized and rewarded for my work? • Am I developing myself and my work roles in ways that benefit all concerned? • Am I engaged in mutually supportive relationships at work where I help and am helped by others?• Am I future-proofing my career by anticipating and preparing for career shocks I might encounter? • Do I have a good balance between my work and other aspects of my life? We describe some of the many valuable career concepts and tools that you can apply to answer these questions, with a focus on concepts and tools that are explained in more detail in the other articles in this special issue on Enabling Career Success. We conclude with suggestions regarding how you might apply the career development ideas that resonate with you to enable both your career success, as well as the career success of others.



在本文中,我们探讨了将职业成功概念化为一个紧急过程而不是一个累积结果可能产生的可能性。这样做类似于更多地关注你是否在自我实现而不是你是否已经实现了自我实现。我们讨论您在回答首要问题时可能会考虑的问题:如果我将其视为一个紧急过程,我会怎样做才能获得更成功的职业生涯?具体来说,我们建议您首先反思您对以下问题的回答:• 我是否在适合我的角色和组织文化中工作?• 我是否认真考虑过职业成功对我意味着什么?• 我的工作是否得到了应有的认可和奖励?• 我是否以有利于所有相关人员的方式发展自己和我的工作角色?• 我是否在工作中建立了相互支持的关系,在我帮助和得到他人帮助的情况下?• 我是否通过预测和准备我可能遇到的职业冲击来为我的职业生涯做好准备?• 我在工作和生活的其他方面之间取得了良好的平衡吗?我们描述了许多有价值的职业概念和工具中的一些,您可以应用它们来回答这些问题,重点介绍概念和工具,这些概念和工具在本期关于实现职业成功的特刊中的其他文章中进行了更详细的解释。