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Creating value through quality service
Organizational Dynamics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.04.002
Leonard L. Berry , Janet Turner Parish , Altay Dikec

A truck driver entered a Mayo Clinic emergency room, severely short of breath. The diagnosis was a bacterial infection requiring immediate surgery. The patient indicated that her truck was illegally parked at the front entrance and her dog, also sick, was in the truck. Surgery would have to wait. But surgery could not wait, and a nurse volunteered to move the truck and attend to the dog. The truck turned out to be a semi. Finding a parking place, a licensed driver, and dog care fell far outside the nurse’s job description. But promises had been made. The nurse found a Mayo employee who was a former trucker to park the truck in a local shopping center parking lot (with permission). He took the dog to a veterinarian and cared for it in his own home until the patient was discharged. When asked in an interview why he went so far outside the normal service role, the nurse replied, “At Mayo Clinic, the patient’s needs come first.” This true story, one of many exemplary service stories found in Mayo Clinic’s nearly 160-year history, illustrates the true potential of service: creating a customer experience so valuable and exceptional that the customer feels gratitude afterward. This is the acid test for every organization: how do customers perceive the organization following the service? Quality service creates value, i.e., the benefits customers receive from the service for the price and non-price burdens they endure. Companies need to compete on value, not just price. Price is part of value but not its equivalent. Many firms fall into the trap of offering low prices but also low value because their customers endure high non-price burdens, such as inconvenient locations, unhelpful employees, or 45-min waits for the call center (which may be in a foreign



一名卡车司机进入梅奥诊所的急诊室,呼吸急促。诊断是细菌感染,需要立即手术。病人表示她的卡车非法停在前门,她的狗也生病了,在卡车里。手术要等。但手术迫不及待,一名护士自愿移动卡车并照顾狗。结果这辆卡车是半卡车。找一个停车位、一个有执照的司机和照顾狗远远超出了护士的工作描述。但是已经做出了承诺。护士找到了一名 Mayo 员工,他曾是一名卡车司机,将卡车停在当地购物中心的停车场(经许可)。他把狗带到兽医那里,并在自己家里照顾它,直到病人出院。在接受采访时,当被问及为什么他远远超出正常服务角色时,护士回答说:“在梅奥诊所,病人的需求是第一位的。” 这个真实的故事是 Mayo Clinic 近 160 年历史中发现的众多模范服务故事之一,它说明了服务的真正潜力:创造如此宝贵和非凡的客户体验,让客户事后感到感激。这是对每个组织的严峻考验:客户如何看待接受服务的组织?优质的服务创造价值,即客户因承受的价格和非价格负担而从服务中获得的利益。公司需要在价值上竞争,而不仅仅是价格。价格是价值的一部分,但不是等价物。