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Detecting fraud beyond cooked books
Organizational Dynamics ( IF 1.133 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.100734
Petr Houdek

The article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of various methods enabling to uncover fraudulent and dishonest behavior of organizations’ stakeholders — employees, managers and costumers. Based on illustrative studies, it further shows how these tools can be used in empirical fraud risk management. A comprehensive approach that is absent in most organizations and management science literature. Forensic accounting research of financial data, as well as laboratory and field research of individual and organizational factors by economists and psychologists, are bringing us increasingly detailed knowledge of organizational misdeeds. The field of corporate and behavioral ethics uncovers the causes of individual and organizational misconduct, describes its nature and calculates the consequences of illegal behavior on the market value of firms, and suggests tools for restricting fraudulent behavior and corporate non-compliance. However, much of the evidence about corporate misconduct comes from descriptive case studies, which are dependent on a specific context and are not necessarily suitable for generalization. Alternatively, they describe the misconduct on the level of firms or sectors, which is knowledge important for regulators or prosecuting attorneys, but they do not directly offer tools for measuringthe extentofa fraudinside of anorganization, or the dishonesty of its customers or clients. On the other hand, behavioral ethics and moral psychology use laboratory experiments (although with usually student populations), which can precisely identify the causal forces that influence individual fraudulent behavior. Nevertheless, they cannot be used as indicators of dishonesty in real organizations (or they have weak external validity). A significant methodological contribution was made with the introduction of randomized field experiments and other methods that uncover dishonest behavior directly in organizations. This article supplies an interdisciplinary and multilevel overview of methods how to identify (not only) organizational


