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Revisiting the learning organization
Organizational Dynamics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2016.10.009
Ho Wook Shin , Joseph C. Picken , Gregory G. Dess

Business leaders are facing whole new set of management challenges. Increasing uncertainty and environmental changes (e.g., global economic stagnation, terrorism, Brexit) must be dealt with to maintain competitive advantage, but the widely known and practiced techniques for leveraging physical and financial resources are no longer sufficient. Rather, innovation, flexibility, responsiveness, and the creative redefinition of markets and opportunities represent the new sources of competitive advantage. The globalization and the rapid diffusion of information and communications technologies have transformed the economies of the developed world. Citing a 1997 OECD study, The Economist pointed out that ‘‘more than half of the total GDP in the rich economies is now knowledge-based, including industries such as telecommunications, computers, software, pharmaceuticals, education and entertainment. High tech industries have nearly doubled their share of manufacturing output over the past two decades, to around 25%, and knowledge-intensive services are growing even faster . . . knowledge workers . . . from brain surgeons to journalists . . . account for eight out of ten new jobs.’’ As noted in a recent Fortune article, many of today’s best-performing companies — Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook — use little financial and physical capital for their size. Some, such as Uber and Airbnb, use practically none. As the McKinsey Global Institute recently observed, ‘‘The most profitable industries . . . are asset-light in terms of physical capital.’’ As the focus shifts to the more effective utilization of a firm’s knowledge-based capital, new approaches and techniques have been proposed by strategists and management scholars. Leadership often takes center stage in this discussion, but while more capable leadership at the top — smarter managers — may be necessary, it cannot be a sufficient condition. Competing in an environment of increasing uncertainty



商界领袖正面临着全新的管理挑战。必须应对不断增加的不确定性和环境变化(例如,全球经济停滞、恐怖主义、英国退欧)以保持竞争优势,但众所周知和实践的利用物质和金融资源的技术已不再足够。相反,创新、灵活性、响应能力以及对市场和机会的创造性重新定义代表了竞争优势的新来源。信息和通信技术的全球化和快速传播已经改变了发达国家的经济。《经济学人》援引 1997 年经合组织的一项研究指出,“富裕经济体的 GDP 总量现在有一半以上是基于知识的,包括电信、计算机、软件、医药、教育和娱乐。在过去的二十年里,高科技产业在制造业产出中的份额几乎翻了一番,达到 25% 左右,知识密集型服务业的增长速度更快。. . 知识工作者。. . 从脑外科医生到记者。. . 十个新工作岗位中就有八个。”正如《财富》杂志最近的一篇文章所指出的那样,当今许多表现最好的公司——亚马逊、Alphabet、Facebook——都很少使用与其规模相当的财务和实物资本。一些,例如优步和Airbnb,几乎不使用。正如麦肯锡全球研究所最近所观察到的,“最赚钱的行业”。. . 就物质资本而言是轻资产。”随着重点转向更有效地利用公司的知识资本,战略家和管理学者提出了新的方法和技术。在这个讨论中,领导力通常占据中心位置,但尽管更有能力的高层领导——更聪明的管理者——可能是必要的,但这不是充分条件。在不确定性增加的环境中竞争