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Crossing borders between International Refugee Law and International Human Rights Law in the European context: Can human rights enhance protection against persecution based on sexual orientation (and beyond)?
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0924051919884758
Carmelo Danisi 1

In the last decades, international refugee law (‘IRL’) and international human rights law (‘IHRL’) have increasingly taken into account sexual minorities’ needs. Despite not being one of the grounds of persecution under the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, sexual orientation has been identified as a relevant factor for the recognition of refugee status for more than twenty years. In parallel, IHRL has evolved to a point where sexual minorities are more fully included within the scope of rights and freedoms set forth in universal and regional human rights treaties, especially via the prohibition of discrimination. Yet, strange as it may seem, this simultaneous evolution has not always led to a fruitful intersection between IRL and IHRL, even in terms of interpretation despite what the Law of Treaties requires. Drawing from documentary and qualitative data and by taking people fleeing homophobia as example, this article looks at the role that IHRL may play in complementing and in intersection with IRL. It argues that IHRL may, firstly, raise obligations to facilitate the access of these claimants to asylum determination procedures and, secondly, inform the notion of persecution used in IRL more comprehensively than it currently does in practice.



在过去的几十年里,国际难民法 ('IRL') 和国际人权法 ('IHRL') 越来越多地考虑到性少数群体的需求。尽管不是 1951 年《日内瓦难民地位公约》规定的迫害理由之一,但 20 多年来,性取向一直被确定为承认难民地位的相关因素。与此同时,国际人权法已经发展到这样一个程度,性少数群体被更充分地纳入世界和区域人权条约规定的权利和自由范围内,特别是通过禁止歧视。然而,尽管看起来很奇怪,但这种同时演变并不总是导致 IRL 和 IHRL 之间富有成效的交叉,即使在解释方面也是如此,尽管条约法有什么要求。本文利用文献资料和定性数据,并以逃离恐同症的人们为例,探讨了 IHRL 在与 IRL 相辅相成方面可能发挥的作用。它争辩说,IHRL 可以首先提出义务,以促进这些申请人获得庇护决定程序,其次,比目前在实践中更全面地告知 IRL 中使用的迫害概念。