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Examining the emotional impact of sarcasm using a virtual environment
Metaphor and Symbol ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10926488.2018.1481261
Bethany Pickering 1 , Dominic Thompson 1 , Ruth Filik 1

ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the emotional impact of sarcasm. Previous research in this area has mainly required participants to answer questions based on written materials, and results have been mixed. With the aim of instead examining the emotional impact of sarcasm when used in a more conversational setting, the current study utilized animated video clips as stimuli. In each clip, one individual answered general knowledge questions while the other provided feedback that could be delivered either literally or sarcastically, and either complimented or criticized the question answerer’s performance. Participants rated the feedback based on (a) the anticipated emotional impact on the recipient, (b) how the speaker intended the recipient to feel, and (c) whether the speaker intended to be humorous. Results overall supported the Tinge Hypothesis, showing that sarcastic criticism was rated as less negative than literal criticism, and sarcastic compliments (also termed “ironic praise”) were rated as less positive than literal compliments, when judged from both the perspective of the recipient and of the speaker. The speaker was also perceived to be intending to be more humorous when sarcastic feedback was given.



摘要 本研究旨在调查讽刺的情绪影响。此前该领域的研究主要要求参与者根据书面材料回答问题,结果参差不齐。为了检查讽刺在更多对话环境中使用时的情绪影响,当前的研究利用动画视频剪辑作为刺激。在每个剪辑中,一个人回答一般知识问题,而另一个人提供可以从字面上或讽刺地传达的反馈,并称赞或批评问答者的表现。参与者根据 (a) 对接受者的预期情绪影响,(b) 演讲者希望接受者的感受,以及 (c) 演讲者是否有意幽默来对反馈进行评分。结果总体上支持了色调假设,表明从接受者的角度和从接受者的角度来看,讽刺性批评的消极程度低于字面批评,而讽刺性赞美(也称为“讽刺性赞美”)的积极性低于字面赞美。扬声器的。当给出讽刺性的反馈时,演讲者也被认为是想变得更幽默。