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The Cross-Cultural Variation of the Effects of Transformational Leadership Behaviors on Followers’ Organizational Identification: The Case of Idealized Influence and Individualized Consideration in Finland and Russia
Management and Organization Review ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-09 , DOI: 10.1017/mor.2018.27
Alexei Koveshnikov , Mats Ehrnrooth

In this article, we examine the cross-cultural variation in the perceived effects of idealized influence and individualized consideration leadership behaviors – two behavioral dimensions of transformational leadership – on followers’ organizational identification in two culturally distinct countries: Russia and Finland. We also test whether the followers’ role ambiguity mediates these relationships. Using the self-concept-based theory of leadership as an explanatory framework, our analysis of white-collar employees in four Finland-based multinational corporations and their subsidiaries in Russia shows that whereas in Russia both behaviors facilitate followers’ identification, in Finland only idealized influence does. We also find differences in how role ambiguity mediates the relationship between the two behaviors and followers’ identification in the two countries. In Russia, it fully mediates the relationship between individualized consideration and followers’ identification, whereas in Finland it partially mediates the relationship between idealized influence and followers’ identification.



在这篇文章中,我们考察了感知效应的跨文化差异。理想化的影响个体化考虑领导行为 - 变革型领导的两个行为维度 - 在两个文化不同的国家:俄罗斯和芬兰,追随者的组织认同。我们还测试了追随者的角色模糊性是否调解了这些关系。使用基于自我概念的领导理论作为解释框架,我们对四家芬兰跨国公司及其在俄罗斯的子公司的白领员工的分析表明,在俄罗斯,这两种行为都有助于追随者的认同,而在芬兰只是理想化了影响。我们还发现,角色模糊如何在两国之间调节两种行为和追随者认同之间的关系方面存在差异。在俄罗斯,它充分调解了两国之间的关系个体化考虑和追随者的认同,而在芬兰,它部分调解了两者之间的关系理想化的影响和追随者的身份。