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Habermasian utopia or Sunstein's echo chamber? The ‘dark side’ of hashtag hijacking and feminist activism
Legal Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1017/lst.2020.16
Reilly Anne Dempsey Willis

Society thinks, talks, and communicates in ways which are inherently different now from the pre-Internet era. Hashtags in particular have transformed community formation around a particular topic, issue, or goal. A new and relatively under-studied phenomenon is that of ‘hashtag hijacking’, where individuals or groups use a particular hashtag to draw attention to arguments and narratives which undermine or oppose the hashtag's objective. Most of the current literature looks at hashtag hijacking as a positive outlet for counter-discourse/counter-narratives to challenge dominant groups. This study, however, looks at the ‘dark side’ of hashtag hijacking, where groups use trolling tactics similar to the Alt_Right to reinforce misogynistic views. The hijacking of three hashtags is explored in this study: #notacriminal, #women2drive, and #mydressmychoice, to explore feminist theories on the role of social media in a ‘public space’. Does Twitter function as one common public sphere where inequalities are so deeply embedded that minority voices have no hope of being heard? Or does Twitter function as a meeting place for multiple competing public spheres, thus allowing minority – and in this case feminist – voices to be heard?



社会以与前互联网时代本质上不同的方式思考、交谈和交流。特别是标签已经改变了围绕特定主题、问题或目标的社区形成。一种新的且研究相对较少的现象是“标签劫持”,个人或团体使用特定的标签来引起人们对破坏或反对标签目标的论点和叙述的关注。当前的大多数文献都将标签劫持视为反话语/反叙事挑战主导群体的积极出口。然而,这项研究着眼于标签劫持的“黑暗面”,其中团体使用类似于 Alt_Right 的拖钓策略来强化厌恶女性的观点。本研究探讨了对三个主题标签的劫持:#notacriminal、#women2drive、和#mydressmychoice,探索关于社交媒体在“公共空间”中作用的女权主义理论。Twitter 是否作为一个普遍的公共领域,不平等根深蒂固,以至于少数人的声音没有希望被听到?还是推特作为多个相互竞争的公共领域的聚会场所,从而允许少数群体——在这种情况下是女权主义者——的声音被听到?