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The relational identity of the translator
Language and Intercultural Communication ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2020.1776722
Jane Fenoulhet 1


This paper proposes a posthuman approach to the figure of the translator as a relational entity which is part of an assemblage, in this case, a non-hierarchical arrangement of texts, translator, computer, databases and dictionaries. Likewise, the act of translation itself ceases to be the transfer of meaning from one bounded language to another, becoming something more fluid and dynamic. The discussion of this approach will be illustrated with examples from the author's recent translation of a Dutch novel into English which draws on the Deleuzean concept of 'becoming woman', rather than comprehension of vocabulary and grammar. This results in an intimate and joyful engagement with the text.

Dit artikel gaat uit van een post humane benadering van de figuur van de vertaler als relationele persoon die onderdeel uitmaakt van een assemblage bestaand uit vertalers, woordenboeken, computer, pen, papier, roman in boekvorm, roman in digitale vorm. De discussie wordt gevoerd aan de hand van de vertaling van de roman Eva van de Nederlandse schrijfster Carry van Bruggen door Jane Fenoulhet.





结束人文共处的历史范·德菲格·范·德·韦尔瓦特·范·德·范特弗勒·范德韦尔·范·德·维特纳尔·范德韦恩·沃尔特·范德·韦恩·马尔科特 范·德·范·德·范·德·范·罗马将军伊娃·范·德·尼德兰德斯·施里夫斯特·范·布鲁根
