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Affects of verbal hygiene: the impact of language activism at a Swedish high school
Language Policy ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10993-020-09543-3
Henning Årman

This paper explores youths’ language activism at a Swedish senior high school. Following Cameron (Verbal hygiene, Routledge, Florence, 1995), this paper investigates language activism as ‘verbal hygiene’, with a focus on the social dimension of students’ attempts to change how language is used at the school. To capture how the politically motivated language activism came to produce political subjectivities and delineation between social groups, and also to impact the distribution of agency and voice in the local discursive regime, I combine Cameron’s (Verbal hygiene, Routledge, Florence, 1995) notion of verbal hygiene with recent theorizing on affect (Ahmed in The cultural politics of emotion, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2004; Sedgwick in Touching feeling: affect, pedagogy, performativity, Duke University Press, Durham, 2003; Wetherell in Affect and emotion: a new social science understanding, Sage, London, 2012). Inspired by studies of semiotic landscapes (Jaworski and Thurlow in Semiotic landscapes: language, image, space, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2011), the data includes posters and other signage in the high school, as well as recordings of naturally occurring interaction and interviews. The analysis shows how shame is pivotal in the processes of language activism at the school and how this activism, being an emancipatory project, both produces political subjectivities as well as new linguistic normativities and hierarchies.



本文探讨了瑞典高中青年的语言行动主义。继 Cameron(语言卫生,Routledge,Florence,1995)之后,本文将语言行动主义作为“语言卫生”进行研究,重点关注学生尝试改变学校语言使用方式的社会维度。为了捕捉出于政治动机的语言激进主义如何产生政治主体性和社会群体之间的划分,并影响当地话语制度中的代理和声音的分配,我结合了卡梅伦(言语卫生,劳特利奇,佛罗伦萨,1995 年)的概念近期情感理论的语言卫生(艾哈迈德在情感的文化政治,爱丁堡大学出版社,爱丁堡,2004 年;塞奇维克在感人的感觉:情感,教学法,表演性,杜克大学出版社,达勒姆,2003 年;Wetherell 在《情感与情感:一种新的社会科学理解》中,Sage,伦敦,2012 年)。受符号景观研究的启发(Jaworski 和 Thurlow in Semiotic Landscapes: language, image, space, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2011),数据包括高中的海报和其他标牌,以及自然发生的互动和采访的录音. 分析表明羞耻在学校语言激进主义的过程中是多么关键,以及这种激进主义作为一个解放项目,如何既产生政治主体性,又产生新的语言规范和等级制度。数据包括高中的海报和其他标牌,以及自然发生的互动和采访的录音。分析表明羞耻在学校语言行动主义的过程中是多么关键,以及这种行动主义作为一个解放项目,如何既产生政治主体性,又产生新的语言规范和等级制度。数据包括高中的海报和其他标牌,以及自然发生的互动和采访的录音。分析表明羞耻在学校语言行动主义的过程中是多么关键,以及这种行动主义作为一个解放项目,如何既产生政治主体性,又产生新的语言规范和等级制度。