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Blue-collar workplace communicative practices: a case study in construction sites in Qatar
Language Policy ( IF 2.355 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10993-019-09518-z
Irene Theodoropoulou

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the role of language in multilingual blue-collar workplaces by investigating how communication is realized in construction sites in Qatar. The State of Qatar offers a unique and, hence, very interesting setting for the linguistic investigation of migration-related issues, such as multilingualism (Pietikäinen et al. in Sociolinguistics from the periphery: small languages in new circumstances, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016), due to the fact that over 90% of its population consists of non-citizens (Ahmad, in: Kamrava, Babar (eds) Migrant labor in the Persian Gulf, Hurst & Company, London, pp 21–40, 2015). In addition, after its successful bid to host the World Cup 2022, the country is currently witnessing a rapid transformation of its landscape evident through its massive number of construction sites, where people of different national, ethnic and social class backgrounds from all over the world are hired to work together in developing the infrastructure that is part of the ambitious Qatar Vision 2030. Against this backdrop, the focus is on the sociolinguistic resources (Blommaert in The sociolinguistics of globalization, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010) mobilized in a construction site at a university in Qatar. The multilingual community of practice (Lave and Wenger in Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1991) investigated consists of blue-collar workers from India and their communication practices with their supervisors, who are project site engineers from all over the world. In such transnational fields, where effective communication is a sine qua non not only for the successful completion of the project or infrastructure itself but also, and perhaps most importantly, for the safety of everybody involved in the construction, multilingualism is the norm. It is argued that communication is realized through spatial repertoires (Canagarajah, in: Canagarajah (ed) The Routledge handbook of migration and language, Routledge, New York, pp 1–28, 2017), that are constructed and used as ingroup markers to facilitate communication among people from different nationalities, ethnicities and social classes. The ethnographic data, collected for almost 13 months, comprise voice-recorded interactions, field notes from on-site participant observation as well as ethnographic interviews with select blue-collar workers and their supervisors. The linguistic and exolinguistic analysis is contextualized in the broader socio-political and economic forces of Qatar (Fromherz in Qatar. A modern history, Georgetown University Press, Washington, 2012; Kamrava in Qatar: small state, big politics, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2015; chapters in Kamrava and Babar in Migrant labor in the Persian Gulf, Hurst & Company, London, 2015).



摘要本文的目的是通过调查卡塔尔建筑工地中的沟通方式,有助于理解语言在多语种蓝领工作场所中的作用。卡塔尔国为移民相关问题的语言调查提供了一个独特的、因此非常有趣的环境,例如多语言(Pietikäinen 等人在《来自外围的社会语言学:新环境下的小语言》,剑桥大学出版社,剑桥, 2016),因为其 90% 以上的人口由非公民组成(Ahmad,在:Kamrava, Babar (eds) 波斯湾的移民劳工,Hurst & Company,伦敦,第 21-40 页,2015 年) . 此外,在成功申办2022年世界杯后,该国目前正在见证其景观的快速转变,其大量建筑工地显而易见,来自世界各地的不同民族、种族和社会阶层背景的人被雇用来共同开发基础设施,这是建筑工地的一部分。雄心勃勃的卡塔尔 2030 年愿景。在此背景下,重点是社会语言学资源(Blommaert in The sociallinguistics of global, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010)在卡塔尔一所大学的建筑工地上动员起来。所调查的多语言实践社区(Lave 和 Wenger 在《情境学习:合法的外围参与》,剑桥大学出版社,纽约,1991 年)由来自印度的蓝领工人及其与主管的沟通实践组成,他们是来自世界各地的项目现场工程师。在这样的跨国领域,有效的沟通不仅是成功完成项目或基础设施本身的必要条件,而且也许是最重要的,对于参与建设的每个人的安全,使用多种语言是常态。有人认为,交流是通过空间曲目实现的(Canagarajah,在:Canagarajah (ed) The Routledge handbook of migration and language, Routledge, New York, pp 1–28, 2017),这些曲目被构建并用作群内标记以促进不同国籍、种族和社会阶层的人之间的交流。收集了近 13 个月的人种学数据,包括语音记录的互动,现场参与者观察的现场笔记以及对精选蓝领工人及其主管的民族志访谈。语言和外语分析与卡塔尔更广泛的社会政治和经济力量相关(来自卡塔尔的 Fromherz。现代历史,乔治城大学出版社,华盛顿,2012 年;卡塔尔的 Kamrava:小国,大政治,康奈尔大学出版社,伊萨卡,2015 年;Kamrava 和 Babar 在波斯湾的移民劳工中的章节,赫斯特公司,伦敦,2015 年)。康奈尔大学出版社,伊萨卡,2015 年;Kamrava 和 Babar 中波斯湾移民劳工的章节,赫斯特公司,伦敦,2015 年)。康奈尔大学出版社,伊萨卡,2015 年;Kamrava 和 Babar 在波斯湾的移民劳工中的章节,赫斯特公司,伦敦,2015 年)。