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Domestication versus Foreignisation in the English Translation of Mthembu’s UMamazane
Language Matters ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-23 , DOI: 10.1080/10228195.2018.1444080
Erick Nzimande 1


The presence of culture-specific items in a source text demands that the translator be well acquainted with both the source and target culture in order to render a comprehensible and reader-friendly translation. The translator can either opt for the norms and conventions of the source culture (foreignisation) or those of the target culture (domestication) in dealing with the hurdle of translating culture-specific items. This study seeks to determine whether the translators of the novel UMamazane opted for the domestication or foreignisation strategy in translating proverbs in this novel. UMamazane is an isiZulu novel that was written by R. H. Mthembu and translated into English by A. T. Cope and D. M. Mzolo. The study is based on the framework of the Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), which propagates the idea that translations are facts of the target culture. The findings reveal that foreignisation is predominant in the translation of proverbs in UMamazane.




在源文本中存在特定于文化的项目,要求翻译人员熟悉源文化和目标文化,以便提供易于理解且易于读者理解的翻译。译者可以选择源文化的规范和惯例(异化),也可以选择目标文化的规范和惯例(本地化),以应对翻译特定文化项目的障碍。这项研究旨在确定小说《玛玛莎娜》的译者在翻译这部小说的谚语时是否选择了归化或异化策略。UMamazane是R写的一部isiZulu小说。H. Mthembu,由AT Cope和DM Mzolo翻译成英语。该研究基于描述性翻译研究(DTS)的框架,该框架传播了翻译是目标文化的事实的观点。研究结果表明,异化在UMamazane中的谚语翻译中占主导地位。
