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Pre-aspiration in Bethesda Welsh: A sociophonetic analysis
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100318000221
Jonathan Morris , Míša Hejná

Previous research has shown that pre-aspiration can be a phonemic and a variable linguistic feature susceptible to linguistic and extra-linguistic influences. In the case of Welsh, previous exploratory work has found the presence of pre-aspiration (Ball 1984, Morris 2010, Spooner 2016, Iosad forthcoming), but the phonetic and phonological properties of this feature and its sociophonetic patterning in the language are not known. This article presents analyses of the variety of Welsh spoken in Bethesda (Gwynedd). It reports the frequency of occurrence of pre-aspiration, its duration, and noisiness. As well as describing pre-aspiration, it attempts to ascertain the extent to which this feature is influenced by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. Wordlist data were analysed from 16 Welsh–English bilinguals from Bethesda (Gwynedd, North Wales). Speakers were aged between 16 and 18 years old and the sample was stratified by speaker sex and home language (either Welsh or English). The results indicate that pre-aspiration is frequent in both fortis and lenis plosives (the latter of which are typically devoiced in Welsh). In addition to a number of linguistic influences on its production, both speaker sex and home language were found to be significant predictors of variation for some measures. The results are discussed with reference to previous studies of pre-aspiration in other languages and work on phonetic variation in Welsh–English bilingual speech.



先前的研究表明,预送气可能是一种音位和易受语言和语言外影响的可变语言特征。以威尔士语为例,之前的探索性工作已经发现了预送气的存在(Ball 1984、Morris 2010、Spooner 2016、Iosad 即将推出),但该特征的语音和语音特性及其在语言中的社会语音模式尚不清楚. 本文分析了贝塞斯达(Gwynedd)所讲的各种威尔士语。它报告预吸气的发生频率、持续时间和噪音。除了描述预愿望之外,它还试图确定该特征在多大程度上受语言和语言外因素的影响。词汇表数据来自贝塞斯达(Gwynedd,北威尔士)的 16 名威尔士-英语双语者进行分析。说话者的年龄在 16 至 18 岁之间,样本按说话者的性别和家庭语言(威尔士语或英语)进行分层。结果表明,在强塞塞音和弱塞塞音(后者在威尔士语中通常是清音)中都经常出现预送气。除了一些对其产生的语言影响外,说话者的性别和家庭语言都被发现是某些测量变量的重要预测因子。参考先前对其他语言的预送气研究和威尔士-英语双语语音的语音变异研究对结果进行了讨论。结果表明,在强塞塞音和弱塞塞音(后者在威尔士语中通常是清音)中都经常出现预送气。除了一些对其产生的语言影响外,说话者的性别和家庭语言都被发现是某些测量变量的重要预测因子。参考先前对其他语言的预送气研究和威尔士-英语双语语音的语音变异研究对结果进行了讨论。结果表明,在强塞塞音和弱塞塞音(后者在威尔士语中通常是清音)中都经常出现预送气。除了一些对其产生的语言影响外,说话者的性别和家庭语言都被发现是某些测量变量的重要预测因子。参考先前对其他语言的预送气研究和威尔士-英语双语语音的语音变异研究对结果进行了讨论。