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Nasal coarticulation in Bininj Kunwok: An aerodynamic analysis
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100318000282
Hywel M. Stoakes , Janet M. Fletcher , Andrew R. Butcher

Bininj Kunwok (BKw), a language spoken in Northern Australia, restricts the degree of anticipatory nasalization, as suggested by previous aerodynamic and acoustic analyses (Butcher 1999). The current study uses aerodynamic measurements of speech to investigate patterns of nasalization and nasal articulation in Bininj Kunwok to compare with Australian languages more generally. The role of nasal coarticulation in ensuring language compre-hensibility a key question in phonetics research today is explored. Nasal aerodynamics is measured in intervocalic, word-medial nasals in the speech of five female speakers of BKw and data are analyzed using Smoothing Spline Analysis of Variance (SSANOVA) and Functional Data Analysis averaging techniques. Results show that in a VNV sequence there is very little anticipatory vowel nasalization with no restriction on carryover nasalization for a following vowel. The maximum peak nasal flow is delayed until the oral release of a nasal for coronal articulations, indicating a delayed velum opening gesture. Patterns of anticipatory nasalization appears similar to nasal airflow in French non-nasalized vowels in oral vowel plus nasal environments (Delvaux et al. 2008). Findings show that Bininj Kunwok speakers use language specific strategies in order to limit anticipatory nasalization, enhancing place of articulation cues at a site of intonational prominence which also is also the location of the majority of place of articulation contrasts within the language. Patterns of airflow suggest enhancement and coarticulatory resistance in prosodically prominent VN and VNC sequences which we interpret as evidence of speakers maintaining a phonological contrast to enhance place of articulation cues.


Bininj Kunwok 的鼻关节:空气动力学分析

Bininj Kunwok (BKw) 是一种在澳大利亚北部使用的语言,它限制了预期鼻化的程度,正如之前的空气动力学和声学分析所建议的那样 (Butcher 1999)。目前的研究使用语音的空气动力学测量来研究 Bininj Kunwok 的鼻音化和鼻音发音模式,以便更广泛地与澳大利亚语言进行比较。探讨了鼻腔协同在确保语言可理解性方面的作用,这是当今语音学研究中的一个关键问题。鼻空气动力学是在五位 BKw 女性说话者的语音中测量的音间、词中鼻音,并使用方差平滑样条分析 (SSANOVA) 和功能数据分析平均技术分析数据。结果表明,在 VNV 序列中,预期元音鼻化非常少,对后续元音的结转鼻化没有限制。最大鼻流量峰值延迟,直到用于冠状关节的鼻腔的口部释放,表明延迟的 Velum 打开姿势。在口元音加鼻音环境中,预期鼻化模式与法语非鼻化元音中的鼻气流相似(Delvaux 等人,2008 年)。研究结果表明,Bininj Kunwok 使用者使用特定语言策略来限制预期鼻化,增强发音线索在语调突出的位置,这也是语言中大多数发音位置对比的位置。