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What Do Surveys of Program Completers Tell Us About Teacher Preparation Quality?
Journal of Teacher Education ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0022487119886294
Kevin C. Bastian 1 , Min Sun 2 , Heather Lynn 3

Surveys of teacher preparation program (TPP) completers have become one widely used measure for program accountability and improvement, yet there is little evidence as to whether perceptions of preparation experiences predict the workforce outcomes of teachers. In the present study, we use statewide completer survey data from North Carolina to assess whether perceptions of preparation quality and opportunities to learn during teacher preparation predict completers’ value-added estimates, evaluation ratings, and retention. We perform multiple analyses to address validity concerns—that is, selection into TPPs, sorting into K-12 schools, simultaneity in survey and outcome measures, and differential survey response rates across TPPs. Results are not always consistent across these analyses; however, evidence suggests that completer perceptions are modestly associated with teacher effectiveness and retention. Continued research can further address validity concerns and build a body of evidence on completer perceptions and teacher outcomes.



对教师准备计划 (TPP) 完成者的调查已成为一种广泛使用的衡量计划问责制和改进的衡量标准,但几乎没有证据表明对准备经历的看法是否能预测教师的劳动力成果。在本研究中,我们使用来自北卡罗来纳州的全州完成者调查数据来评估对准备质量和教师准备期间学习机会的看法是否可以预测完成者的增值估计、评估评级和保留。我们执行多项分析来解决有效性问题——即选择进入 TPP、分类到 K-12 学校、调查和结果测量的同时性以及跨 TPP 的差异调查响应率。这些分析的结果并不总是一致的;然而,证据表明,完成者的认知与教师的有效性和保留率适度相关。继续研究可以进一步解决有效性问题,并建立关于完成者感知和教师成果的证据体系。