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Striving for Critical Reflection in Multicultural and Social Justice Teacher Education: Introducing a Typology of Reflection Approaches
Journal of Teacher Education ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-24 , DOI: 10.1177/0022487119883545
Paul C. Gorski 1 , Kelly Dalton 2

Multicultural and social justice teacher education (MSJTE) scholars often have argued the importance of critical reflection in the cultivation of equity and social justice minded educators. In this critical content analysis study, we used existing conceptualizations of critical reflection to analyze reflection assignments from MSJTE courses in education degree and licensing programs in the United States to identify the nature of critical reflection incorporated into them and what distinguished critical reflection opportunities from other reflective assignments. Based on this analysis, we offer the beginnings of a typology of five approaches to reflection in multicultural and social justice education courses: (a) amorphous “cultural” reflection, (b) personal identity reflection, (c) cultural competence reflection, (d) equitable and just school reflection, and (e) social transformation reflection. We describe the characteristics of each and the role they might play in MSJTE contexts.



多元文化和社会正义教师教育 (MSJTE) 学者经常争论批判性反思在培养具有公平和社会正义意识的教育者中的重要性。在这项批判性内容分析研究中,我们使用批判性反思的现有概念来分析美国教育学位和许可计划 MSJTE 课程的反思性作业,以确定纳入其中的批判性反思的性质以及批判性反思机会与其他反思性机会的区别任务。基于这一分析,我们提供了多元文化和社会正义教育课程中五种反思方法类型学的开端:(a) 无定形的“文化”反思,(b) 个人身份反思,(c) 文化能力反思,(d) 公平公正的学校反思,以及 (e) 社会转型反思。我们描述了每个人的特征以及它们在 MSJTE 上下文中可能扮演的角色。