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Sectarian terrorism in Pakistan: Causes, impact and remedies
Journal of Policy Modeling ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2020.06.004
Syed Ali Abbas , Shabib Haider Syed

Although terrorism has been widely studied for its impact and potential determinants in Pakistan, the answer to the policy question regarding the role of external factors in influencing specifically the sectarian terrorism is not empirically well researched. The study, particularly, analyses the role of Pakistan’s regional foreign policy towards neighbouring India, Afghan wars, and the relations with bi-polar fundamental Muslim Block, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Iran, on sectarian (religious) terrorist incidents for the period 1973–2017. The findings suggest that economic cooperation with India which drive peace-making relations increases the sectarian terrorism. Both the bilateral loans disbursed by the KSA and trade relations with Iran, significantly increase the chances of sectarian terrorism in Pakistan by activating extremist (proxy) groups. However, the Afghan Wars that call for Pak-US strategic partnership helps Pakistan to control the religious terrorism.



尽管已经针对恐怖主义在巴基斯坦的影响和可能的决定因素进行了广泛的研究,但是,对有关外部因素在专门影响宗派恐怖主义中的作用的政策问题的答案尚未进行过充分的研究。该研究特别分析了巴基斯坦对邻国印度,阿富汗战争以及与两极基本穆斯林块,沙特阿拉伯王国(KSA)和伊朗的关系在巴基斯坦的宗派(宗教)恐怖主义事件中的作用。 1973-2017年。调查结果表明,与印度的经济合作推动建立和平关系,加剧了宗派恐怖主义。KSA支付的双边贷款以及与伊朗的贸易关系,通过激活极端分子(代理人),大大增加了巴基斯坦发生宗派恐怖主义的机会。但是,呼吁与美白建立战略伙伴关系的阿富汗战争有助于巴基斯坦控制宗教恐怖主义。
