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A Component Analysis of an Electronic Data Collection Package
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/01608061.2020.1771505
Cody Morris 1 , Stephanie M. Peterson 1

ABSTRACT Data collection is essential to the practice of behavior analysis, but human error in collection can lead to inaccuracies. One variable demonstrated to increase inaccuracies in human collected data is timeliness of recording. Because inaccuracies in measurement may adversely affect treatment decisions, procedures to increase data collection fidelity and timeliness are necessary. Electronic data collection (EDC) systems are uniquely positioned to help address this need, but little research exists on the topic. The purpose of this study was to systematically evaluate the individual components of an EDC system that included prompts and feedback on data collection timeliness of caregivers in a home setting in the absence of a supervisor. The results of the study indicated that each individual component that was assessed improved data collection timeliness over baseline with at least some participants by varying degrees and that automated specific interval feedback was the most effective individual intervention.



摘要 数据收集对于行为分析的实践至关重要,但收集中的人为错误会导致不准确。一个被证明会增加人类收集数据不准确性的变量是记录的及时性。由于测量的不准确可能会对治疗决策产生不利影响,因此有必要采取程序来提高数据收集的保真度和及时性。电子数据收集 (EDC) 系统在帮助满足这一需求方面具有独特的优势,但关于该主题的研究很少。本研究的目的是系统地评估 EDC 系统的各个组成部分,其中包括在没有主管的情况下在家中护理人员的数据收集及时性的提示和反馈。