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Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in the Draft Convention on Crimes Against Humanity
Journal of International Criminal Justice ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jicj/mqy037
Harmen van der Wilt

Working on crimes against humanity, the International Law Commission (ILC) has modelled its draft articles on extradition and mutual assistance on corresponding provisions of the United Nations Conventions against Corruption and Transnational Organized Crime. Nevertheless, some provisions are clearly adapted to the special nature of crimes against humanity. This article seeks to explore how the ILC has navigated between producing a flexible and general framework and adapting the system more specifically to the specificities of crimes against humanity. The ILC has been censured for easily transposing already existing regimes that were not designed for such specific contexts. On closer scrutiny, that criticism is not entirely justified. A comparison with the parallel provisions in the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) reveals that the ILC’s provisions do not deviate much from the system as adopted by the ICC. This similarity may be indicative of the soundness of the ILC’s approach in construing a framework that may contribute to the improvement of interstate cooperation in the suppression of crimes against humanity.



国际法委员会 (ILC) 致力于打击危害人类罪,根据联合国反腐败公约和跨国有组织犯罪公约的相应条款,对其关于引渡和互助的条款草案进行了建模。然而,一些条款显然适应了危害人类罪的特殊性质。本文旨在探讨国际劳工大会如何在制定灵活的通用框架和使系统更具体地适应危害人类罪的特殊性之间进行导航。国际劳工大会因轻易改变并非为此类特定背景而设计的现有制度而受到指责。仔细观察,这种批评并不完全合理。与《国际刑事法院规约》(ICC)中的平行条款相比,ILC 的条款与 ICC 所采用的制度并没有太大的偏差。这种相似性可能表明国际法委员会在构建可能有助于改进国家间合作打击危害人类罪的框架方面的方法是合理的。