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Combatting Human Trafficking Holistically through Proactive Financial Investigations
Journal of International Criminal Justice ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jicj/mqaa013
Jill E B Coster van Voorhout 1

Human trafficking — a crime with enormous human cost — is mostly moneydriven. By focusing on its financial aspects, this article argues that enhancing financial investigations by making them proactive is crucial to combat this lowrisk and high-profit offence holistically. By providing insight into research carried out as of 2015 in the framework of an anti-human trafficking public–private financial partnership in the Netherlands, this article indicates some concrete improvement in detecting potential victims in bank records, thereupon following financial flows, and ultimately discerning the structures, networks, interactions and patterns of this offence. While these findings specifically relate to the Dutch context, this contribution sets out actionable ways forward for other states as well. After detailing how to approach hard, soft and open source data, this article also explains how to improve international cooperation throughout the entire chain, from banks to financial intelligence units and law enforcement. Such enhancements are urgently needed if we are to live up to the international community’s pledge under three Sustainable Development Goals to combat human trafficking, so as to leave no one behind in our global economy. * The author is Assistant Professor in (Inter-)National Criminal Law at the University of Amsterdam. She is a social scientist and lawyer, with a PhD in criminal law and human rights law. She thanks Maria Anne van Dijk and Rob van ‘t Oever from ABN AMRO bank and Steef de Vries and Jeroen Hermens from the Inspectorate of Social Affairs and Employment for their contributions, Professor Harmen van der Wilt for his review, and Julia de Weijer as well as Eliah English for their research assistance in a previous iteration of, and a related issue relevant for, this research. All mistakes are the author’s. [j.costervanvoorhout@uva.nl] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Journal of International Criminal Justice 18 (2020), 87–106 doi:10.1093/jicj/mqaa013 The Author(s) (2020). Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact journals.permissions@oup.com Advance Access publication 31 May 2020 D ow naded rom http/academ ic.p.com /jicj/artic/1/87/5849185 by U nivrsiteit an Am srdam user on 20 N ovem er 2020



人口贩卖——一种付出巨大人力成本的犯罪——主要是金钱驱动的。通过关注其财务方面,本文认为,通过使财务调查具有前瞻性来加强财务调查对于全面打击这种低风险和高利润的犯罪行为至关重要。通过深入了解 2015 年在荷兰反人口贩运公私金融伙伴关系框架内进行的研究,本文指出了在检测银行记录中的潜在受害者、随后跟踪资金流动以及最终辨别方面的一些具体改进该罪行的结构、网络、互动和模式。虽然这些发现特别与荷兰的背景有关,但这一贡献也为其他国家制定了可行的前进方向。在详细说明了如何努力接近之后,软和开源数据,本文还解释了如何改善整个链条的国际合作,从银行到金融情报部门和执法部门。如果我们要兑现国际社会在三个可持续发展目标下的打击人口贩运的承诺,以便在我们的全球经济中不让任何人掉队,就迫切需要这些改进措施。* 作者是阿姆斯特丹大学(国际)国家刑法助理教授。她是一名社会科学家和律师,拥有刑法和人权法博士学位。她感谢荷兰银行的 Maria Anne van Dijk 和 Rob van 't Oever 以及社会事务和就业监察局的 Steef de Vries 和 Jeroen Hermens 的贡献,感谢 Harmen van der Wilt 教授的审阅,感谢 Julia de Weijer 和 Eliah English 在本研究的前一次迭代以及与本研究相关的相关问题中提供的研究帮助。所有的错误都是作者的。[j.costervanvoorhout@uva.nl]。. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 国际刑事司法杂志 18 (2020), 87–106 doi:10.1093/jicj/mqaa013 作者 (2020)。牛津大学出版社出版。这是一篇根据知识共享署名非商业许可 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) 的条款分发的开放获取文章,该许可允许非商业重复使用、分发和在任何媒体中复制,前提是原始作品被正确引用。如需商业再利用,请联系期刊。