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A novel approach to measuring student engagement while using an augmented reality sandbox
Journal of Geography in Higher Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-31 , DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2020.1771547
Nicholas A. Soltis 1 , Karen S. McNeal 1 , Rachel M. Atkins 2 , Lindsay C. Maudlin 1

ABSTRACT Augmented reality (AR) sandboxes are useful tools in helping students develop a three-dimensional understanding of topographic maps and landforms. Research on the AR sandbox indicates that students enjoy it, but evidence about student learning gains is inconclusive. This study aims to understand how students engage with these tools as a precedent to understanding learning gains. Technology in the form of skin biosensors allows researchers to measure skin conductance (or electrodermal activity – EDA) as a proxy for student engagement. This study used wrist biosensors to monitor the engagement of students exposed to different instructional treatments of an AR sandbox in an introductory lab course. The data were supplemented by dynamic video of the students interacting with the sandbox. Statistical analysis of the EDA data suggests that the use of an AR sandbox, particularly during structured lab activities, increases student engagement. Regression modeling supports a relationship between spatial reasoning skills. Based on video data, students’ collaborative and social interactions also showed a significant relationship with EDA. These results suggest that instructors focus on developing and using structured and collaborative activities when incorporating AR sandboxes in their courses in order to best engage students.



摘要 增强现实 (AR) 沙箱是帮助学生对地形图和地貌进行三维理解的有用工具。对 AR 沙盒的研究表明学生喜欢它,但关于学生学习收益的证据尚无定论。本研究旨在了解学生如何使用这些工具作为了解学习成果的先例。皮肤生物传感器形式的技术使研究人员能够测量皮肤电导(或皮肤电活动 - EDA)作为学生参与的代理。本研究使用腕部生物传感器来监测学生在介绍性实验室课程中接受 AR 沙盒不同教学处理的参与度。数据由学生与沙箱互动的动态视频进行补充。EDA 数据的统计分析表明,使用 AR 沙箱,尤其是在结构化实验室活动中,可以提高学生的参与度。回归建模支持空间推理技能之间的关系。基于视频数据,学生的协作和社交互动也显示出与 EDA 的显着关系。这些结果表明,在将 AR 沙箱纳入课程时,教师应专注于开发和使用结构化和协作活动,以最好地吸引学生。