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Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English: New Methods and InsightsDiscourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English: New Methods and Insights. Edited by PichlerHeike. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 324. ISBN: 9781107055766.
Journal of English Linguistics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-25 , DOI: 10.1177/0075424218800841
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno 1

explores the long history of lexicography, differences in prescriptive and descriptive approaches, and current uses of internet and corpus resources; perhaps most important, Word by Word provides a corrective to the notion of “the dictionary” as the supreme authority for “proper” use of language. Stamper vividly elucidates her thesis that “[t] he process of creating a dictionary is magical, frustrating, brain wrenching, mundane, transcendent. It is ultimately a show of love for a language that has been called unlovely and unloveable” (22).


Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English: New Methods and InsightsDiscourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English: New Methods and Insights。由 PichlerHeike 编辑。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2016 年。324。ISBN:9781107055766。

探索词典编纂的悠久历史、规定性和描述性方法的差异,以及互联网和语料库资源的当前使用;也许最重要的是,逐字逐句纠正了“词典”作为“正确”使用语言的最高权威的观念。Stamper 生动地阐明了她的论点:“[t] 创建字典的过程是神奇的、令人沮丧的、令人头疼的、平凡的、超然的。它最终是对一种被称为不可爱和不可爱的语言的爱的表现”(22)。