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Behind the Eight Ball: The Effects of Race and Number of Infractions on the Severity of Exclusionary Discipline Sanctions Issued in Secondary School
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1177/1063426620937698
Jamilia J. Blake 1 , Danielle M. Smith 1 , Asha Unni 1 , Miner P. Marchbanks 1 , Steve Wood 1 , John M. Eason 2

African American and Hispanic students receive more punitive school discipline than White students even when students of color commit similar infractions as Whites. Similarly, students with a disability status are more likely to experience harsher discipline in schools compared to their counterparts without a disability label. This study examines whether these discrepancies are a result of a difference in the number of infractions students of different racial/ethnic groups and disability categories commit. Using secondary educational data from a state educational agency in the United States, we demonstrate that African American and Hispanic students and students with an emotional behavioral disorder status receive more severe sanctions than White students and students without a disability label at their first discipline encounter. This racial disparity in discipline severity continues through six sanctions and is eliminated at the 13th sanction. The disability disparity in discipline severity dissipates after 10 sanctions for students with emotional behavioral disorder and intellectual disability. Implications for school personnel and future directions are discussed.



非裔美国人和西班牙裔学生比白人学生受到更多的惩罚性学校纪律,即使有色人种学生犯下与白人类似的违规行为。同样,与没有残疾标签的学生相比,有残疾的学生更有可能在学校受到更严厉的纪律处分。本研究检查这些差异是否是由于不同种族/族裔群体和残疾类别的学生犯下的违规次数不同造成的。使用来自美国州教育机构的中学教育数据,我们证明非裔美国人和西班牙裔学生以及有情绪行为障碍状态的学生在第一次纪律处分时比白人学生和没有残疾标签的学生受到更严厉的制裁。这种纪律严酷程度的种族差异持续了六次制裁,并在第 13 次制裁时消除。在对情绪行为障碍和智力障碍学生进行 10 次制裁后,纪律严重程度的残疾差异消失。讨论了对学校人员和未来方向的影响。