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Measuring Adherence to Key Teaching Techniques in an Evidence-Based Treatment: A Comparison of Caregiver, Therapist, and Behavior Observation Ratings
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-13 , DOI: 10.1177/1063426618821901
Amy D. Herschell 1, 2 , Lauren B. Quetsch 2 , David J. Kolko 1

Traditionally, treatment adherence has been measured in outcome studies by highly trained, independent raters who code audio- or video-taped treatment sessions to understand therapists’ adherence to preestablished treatment session components. Unfortunately, this method of assessing treatment adherence is time-, labor-, and cost-intensive, and does not translate well to community settings. This study compared expert-coded behavior observations, therapist and caregiver report of therapists’ adherence to nine teaching technique items assessed in treatment sessions using Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) to determine whether other raters (outside of traditional expert coders) could effectively and accurately measure therapist adherence. A total of 533 therapy sessions were coded across experts (n = 2), therapists (n = 20), and caregivers (n = 42). Outcomes indicated strikingly different ratings across all reporters suggesting that therapist and caregiver reports may be supplement to, but not substitute for, observer ratings.



传统上,治疗依从性是由训练有素的独立评估者在结果研究中衡量的,他们对音频或录像治疗课程进行编码,以了解治疗师对预先确定的治疗课程组成部分的依从性。不幸的是,这种评估治疗依从性的方法是时间、劳动力和成本密集型的​​,并且不能很好地转化为社区环境。本研究比较了专家编码的行为观察、治疗师和护理人员报告,即治疗师在治疗过程中使用家庭替代方案:认知行为疗法 (AF-CBT) 评估的九项教学技术项目的坚持情况,以确定其他评估者(传统专家之外的编码员)可以有效和准确地衡量治疗师的依从性。总共有 533 个治疗疗程由专家 (n = 2) 编码,治疗师(n = 20)和护理人员(n = 42)。结果表明所有报告者的评级截然不同,这表明治疗师和护理人员的报告可能是对观察者评级的补充,但不能替代。