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Between spilling over and boiling down: network-mediated spillovers, local knowledge base and productivity in European regions
Journal of Economic Geography ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-24 , DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lby058
Nicola Cortinovis 1 , Frank van Oort 1

Productivity across European regions is related to three types of networks that mediate R&D-related knowledge spillovers: trade, co-patenting and geographical proximity. Both our panel and instrumental variable estimations for European regions suggest that network relations are crucial sources of R&D spillovers, but with potentially different features. Both import and co-patenting relations affect local productivity directly, but spillovers from innovation-leading regions are effective only when they are import-mediated and when recipient regions have a solid knowledge base. From a policy perspective, this may frustrate recent European policy initiatives, such as Smart Specialization, which are designed to benefit all regions in Europe.


