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Partnerships and legal personality: cautionary tales from Scotland
Journal of Corporate Law Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-10 , DOI: 10.1080/14735970.2019.1654805
Laura Macgregor 1


This article analyses the separate legal personality of partnerships, drawing on Hansmann and Kraakman's identification of the attributes shared by businesses possessing legal personality. Their work provides a jurisdictionally-neutral standard of comparison applied here to the Scottish partnership which, unusually amongst jurisdictions influenced by the common law tradition, possesses separate legal personality. The historical development of Scottish partnerships is explored, from its origins as a Roman-inspired type of societas, a contract centred on the rights and duties of the partners inter se, towards a modern, business able to contract with third parties in its own name. Scots law supports Hansmann and Kraakman's view that attributes of legal personality are secured by organisational law rather than contract law. Disagreeing with them, however, the author uses the Scottish experience to illustrate that lack of perpetual succession is not, as they argue, a ‘mere inconvenience which can easily overcome with contractual workarounds’, but rather an essential requirement of a workable partnership with legal personality.




