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Violence exposure and poverty: Evidence from the Burundi civil war
Journal of Comparative Economics ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2020.04.005
Marion Mercier , Rama Lionel Ngenzebuke , Philip Verwimp

We investigate the relationship between exposure to the Burundi Civil War and household (food) poverty, using a three-wave household-level panel matched with data on local-level violence. We find that households living in localities exposed to the war have been subsequently more likely to be poor than non-exposed households. Within-household estimations, controlling for time-varying heterogeneity at the province level, confirm the positive impact of violence exposure on household poverty. We investigate some of the potential mechanisms at play in the violence – poverty nexus, and the role of violence exposure in household poverty dynamics over time. Our results notably suggest that the destruction of physical capital, as well as a shift of exposed households out of non-farm activities, shape poverty dynamics and lower their chances of durably remaining out of poverty.


