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The Challenge of Domesticating Children's Rights Treaties in Nigeria and Alternative Legal Avenues for Protecting Children
Journal of African Law ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021855318000232
Daniel Ogunniyi

The domestication of child-related treaties is not a straightforward process in Nigeria. Unlike treaties with another thematic focus, the majority of constituent states must give their full consent before any child-related instrument may be domesticated at the federal level and subsequently re-enacted in the domestic states. In many ways, the plural legal orders in the country and the differing perceptions of childhood make consensus difficult to achieve in terms of child rights legislation. In this regard, even though the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has been domesticated (through a contestable procedure), 11 of Nigeria's 36 constituent states have failed to re-enact the domesticating instrument. This study elaborates on this problem, and then examines some instruments that are not affected by the domestication challenges and may offer useful protection to children with regard to certain sectoral aspects, especially child labour and child trafficking.



在尼日利亚,儿童相关条约的国内化并不是一个简单的过程。与具有另一个主题重点的条约不同,在任何与儿童相关的文书可以在联邦一级国内化并随后在国内各州重新制定之前,大多数组成州必须完全同意。在许多方面,该国法律秩序的多元化和对童年的不同看法使得在儿童权利立法方面难以达成共识。在这方面,即使《联合国儿童权利公约》已被纳入国内法(通过有争议的程序),尼日利亚 36 个组成国中有 11 个未能重新制定国内法。本研究详细阐述了这个问题,