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Eradicating war memories: Neuroscientific reality and ethical concerns
International Review of the Red Cross ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s1816383118000437
Marijn C. W. Kroes , Rain Liivoja

Traumatic memories of war can result in mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is characterized by intrusive trauma memories and severe stress responses with devastating personal and societal consequences. Current treatments teach patients to regulate trauma memories, but many experience a return of symptoms even after initially successful treatment. Neuroscience is discovering ways to permanently modify trauma memories and prevent the return of symptoms. Such memory modification techniques (MMTs) have great clinical potential but also important ethical, legal and social implications. In this article, the authors describe PTSD, the role of memory in PTSD, its effects on the brain, and the limitations of current treatment methods. Then, the state of the art of the neuroscience of MMTs is presented. Within this realistic scientific framework the authors will discuss the ethical, legal and social implications of MMTs for the treatment of war-induced PTSD, especially in a military population. Three major sets of issues will be focused on: safety and social justice concerns, concerns about threats to authenticity and identity, and the possible legal and moral duties to retain certain memories. Finally, the article concludes that within scientific reality, concerns are limited and do not outweigh the potential benefits of developing treatments for patients.



战争的创伤性记忆会导致精神障碍,例如创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD)。创伤后应激障碍的特点是侵入性创伤记忆和严重的压力反应,带来毁灭性的个人和社会后果。目前的治疗方法教会患者调节创伤记忆,但许多人即使在最初成功治疗后也会出现症状。神经科学正在寻找永久修改创伤记忆和防止症状复发的方法。这种记忆修改技术 (MMT) 具有巨大的临床潜力,但也具有重要的伦理、法律和社会意义。在这篇文章中,作者描述了 PTSD、记忆在 PTSD 中的作用、它对大脑的影响以及当前治疗方法的局限性。然后,介绍了 MMT 神经科学的最新进展。在这个现实的科学框架内,作者将讨论 MMT 对治疗战争引起的 PTSD 的伦理、法律和社会影响,特别是在军人中。将重点关注三组主要问题:安全和社会正​​义问题,对真实性和身份威胁的担忧,以及保留某些记忆的可能的法律和道德义务。最后,文章得出结论,在科学现实中,担忧是有限的,并且不会超过为患者开发治疗方法的潜在好处。担心对真实性和身份的威胁,以及保留某些记忆的可能的法律和道德义务。最后,文章得出结论,在科学现实中,担忧是有限的,并且不会超过为患者开发治疗方法的潜在好处。担心对真实性和身份的威胁,以及保留某些记忆的可能的法律和道德义务。最后,文章得出结论,在科学现实中,担忧是有限的,并且不会超过为患者开发治疗方法的潜在好处。