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Decolonial Sketches and Intercultural Approaches to Truth: Corporeal Experiences and Testimonies of Indigenous Women in Colombia
International Journal of Transitional Justice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijz034
Angela Santamaría 1 , Dunen Muelas 2 , Paula Caceres 2 , Wendi Kuetguaje 2 , Julian Villegas 3

This article explores the corporeal and testimonial memories of a group of female indigenous ex-combatants and victims in the Colombian Caribbean and Amazon. Although these groups have often been analyzed in the transitional justice literature, our primary objective is to analyze two local processes for retrieving indigenous women’s memories and possible feminist participatory action research methodologies in the Colombian postconflict context. We examined empowering intercultural and intersectional methodologies to promote the political participation of indigenous women – both ‘victims’ and ‘perpetrators’ – in the Colombian Truth Commission implemented after the peace agreement was enacted. We explain how participatory action research should be used, including techniques such as indigenous women’s body mapping, creating testimonial spaces and conducting ethnographic observations. The article is based on a transitional justice ‘from below’ perspective as well as local transitional justice practices. K E Y W O R D S : indigenous peoples, women, ex-combatants, Colombia I N T R O D U C T I O N This article analyzes two local processes for retrieving indigenous women’s memories and possible feminist participatory action research methodologies in postconflict Colombia. We explored empowering intercultural and intersectional methodologies to promote the political participation of indigenous women (both ‘victims’ and ‘perpetrators’) during the implementation of the Commission for the Clarification of the * Professor, Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos, Universidad del Rosario. Email: angela.santamaria@urosario.edu.co † Junior Researcher, Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos, Universidad del Rosario. Email: dunen. muelas@urosario.edu.co ** Junior Researcher, Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos, Universidad del Rosario. Email: paula. caceres@urosario.edu.co †† Junior Researcher, Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos, Universidad del Rosario. Email: wendi. kuetguaje@urosario.edu.co *** Ilustrator, Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos, Universidad del Rosario. Email: julianvillegas6@



本文探讨了哥伦比亚加勒比地区和亚马逊地区的一群女性土著前战斗人员和受害者的肉体和见证记忆。尽管在过渡时期司法文献中经常对这些群体进行分析,但我们的主要目标是分析在哥伦比亚冲突后背景下检索土著妇女记忆的两个地方过程和可能的女权主义参与式行动研究方法。我们研究了赋予跨文化和交叉权力的方法,以促进土著妇女(包括“受害者”和“肇事者”)在和平协议颁布后实施的哥伦比亚真相委员会的政治参与。我们解释了如何使用参与式行动研究,包括土著妇女身体测绘等技术,创建推荐空间并进行民族志观察。本文基于“自下而上”的过渡司法以及当地的过渡司法实践。关键词:土著人民、妇女、前战斗人员、哥伦比亚 引言 本文分析了在冲突后哥伦比亚恢复土著妇女记忆的两个地方进程和可能的女权主义参与行动研究方法。我们探索了赋予跨文化和跨文化权力的方法,以促进土著妇女(“受害者”和“肇事者”)在执行澄清委员会的过程中参与 * 教授,Centro de Paz,Conflictos y Posconflictos,Universidad del Rosario . 电子邮件:angela.santamaria@urosario.edu.co † 初级研究员,Centro de Paz,Conflictos y Posconflictos,罗萨里奥大学。电子邮件:邓恩。muelas@urosario.edu.co ** 初级研究员,Centro de Paz,Conflictos y Posconflictos,Universidad del Rosario。电子邮件:宝拉。caceres@urosario.edu.co †† 初级研究员,Centro de Paz,Conflictos y Posconflictos,Universidad del Rosario。电子邮箱:wendi。kuetguaje@urosario.edu.co *** Ilustrator, Centro de Paz, Conflictos y Posconflictos, Universidad del Rosario。电子邮件:julianvillegas6@ 罗萨里奥大学。电子邮件:julianvillegas6@ 罗萨里奥大学。电子邮件:julianvillegas6@