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Displacements of Memory: Struggles against the Erosion and Dislocation of the Material Record of Violence in Burundi
International Journal of Transitional Justice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-04 , DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijx012
Andrea Purdeková

This article investigates unofficial commemoration practices, interaction with sites of memory and the fate of the materiality of memory – mass gravesites and their remains – in the context of Burundi’s stalled transitional justice (TJ) process. The focus lies on postwar spaces where material remnants of a violent past struggle against new layers of developmental, infrastructural build-up and political disincentive. The article explores three concrete sites of violence in Burundi as these confront different forms of erasure and displacement of memory, ranging from physical removal and misplacement of remains to symbolic delinkage. In the process, the notions of the public secret, the labor of the negative and truth as revelation are revisited. The article closes with reflections on the latest developments in TJ in Burundi and whether the establishment in 2014 of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission spells a decisive break with the past.



本文在布隆迪陷入停滞的过渡时期司法 (TJ) 进程的背景下,调查了非官方纪念活动、与记忆地点的互动以及记忆物质的命运——万人坑及其遗骸。重点在于战后空间,那里是过去暴力斗争的物质残余,与新的发展、基础设施建设和政治抑制因素作斗争。这篇文章探讨了布隆迪的三个具体暴力地点,因为这些地点面临着不同形式的记忆擦除和移位,从物理移除和遗体错位到象征性的脱节。在这个过程中,重新审视了公共秘密、否定的劳动和作为启示的真相的概念。