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Rewinding and Unwinding: Art and Justice in Times of Political Transition
International Journal of Transitional Justice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-05 , DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijw010
Eliza Garnsey

The purpose of this article is to theorize the relationship between art and justice in times of transition so that a broader spectrum of political possibilities and their implications can be imagined. The aim is to offer a way to think about, and to render visible, the web of relationships that constitute this bond. By undertaking a close analysis and narrative investigation of the art installation REwind: A Cantata for Voice, Tape and Testimony, I use the artwork to elucidate four key ideas relating to paradigms, agency, encounters and space which make art relevant and meaningful to transitional justice. These four ideas frame two central arguments. First, I argue that an account of transitional justice without aesthetic dimensions is insufficient, precisely because transitional justice ‘acknowledges itself as a process inseparable from feelings of justice.’ Artworks can fill out affective topologies in ways that facilitate or stimulate recognition and a ‘feeling of being there.’ Secondly, I contend that art plays an important role in animating and activating individual narratives so that they take on collective importance. In doing so, the past can be shared so that a new political future can be imagined. K E Y W O R D S : art, South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, apartheid, Venice Biennale Fourteen sets of black headphones hang in a row. Inside each earpiece are the sounds of singing, orchestral music, sobbing and spoken testimonies – the sighing of ‘verbalised punctuation.’ At either end of the line of headphones there is a speaker which projects the distinct screech of a cassette tape rewinding and the sound of a woman’s voice lamenting: ‘I wish this news could just rewind.’ These are the sounds * PhD Candidate, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, UK. Email:



本文的目的是将转型时期的艺术与正义之间的关系理论化,从而可以想象出更广泛的政治可能性及其影响。目的是提供一种思考和呈现构成这种联系的关系网的方法。通过对艺术装置 REwind: A Cantata for Voice, Tape and Testimony 进行仔细分析和叙事调查,我用这件艺术品阐明了与范式、能动性、相遇和空间相关的四个关键思想,这些思想使艺术与过渡正义相关且有意义. 这四个想法构成了两个中心论点。首先,我认为没有审美维度的过渡正义是不够的,正是因为过渡正义“承认自己是一个与正义感分不开的过程”。艺术作品可以通过促进或刺激识别和“身临其境的感觉”的方式来填充情感拓扑。其次,我认为艺术在激发和激活个人叙事以使其具有集体重要性方面发挥着重要作用。通过这样做,可以分享过去,从而可以想象一个新的政治未来。关键词:艺术,南非,真相与和解委员会,种族隔离,威尼斯双年展 十四套黑色耳机排成一排。每个听筒内都有歌声、管弦乐、抽泣声和口头证词——“口头标点符号的叹息”。' 在耳机线的两端都有一个扬声器,它可以发出磁带倒带的清晰尖叫声和一个女人哀叹的声音:'我希望这个消息可以倒带。这些是声音 * 英国剑桥大学政治与国际研究系博士生。电子邮件: