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Eshetu Alemu: ‘The Black Sheep of the Dergue’ – Ethiopian War Crimes and Universal Jurisdiction in the Netherlands
International Journal of Transitional Justice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-29 , DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijy024
Thijs B Bouwknegt 1

In a fully packed courtroom in The Hague District Court, on 15 December 2017, the International Crimes Chamber convicted Eshetu Alemu for war crimes committed between 1978 and 1981 in Ethiopia. Absent at the judgment hearing, Alemu was sentenced to life imprisonment for these historical injustices. Five of his torture survivors received damages. During the short yet intense trial, Alemu testified at large, while victims came to the Netherlands to recount their ordeals. In many ways, it was a remarkable and unique case of universal jurisdiction, historical complementarity and transitional justice. In fact, the 10-day trial was one of the most intense, unique and historical trials I had attended in the past 15 years. In this Note from the Field, I discuss the forgotten episode of transitional justice in Ethiopia, outline the modern Dutch system of post-atrocity crime justice, unravel the substance of the case and feature the trial proceedings.


Eshetu Alemu:“德格的黑羊”——埃塞俄比亚战争罪行和荷兰的普遍管辖权

2017 年 12 月 15 日,在海牙地区法院一个人满为患的法庭上,国际犯罪分庭判定 Eshetu Alemu 于 1978 年至 1981 年间在埃塞俄比亚犯下战争罪。由于这些历史上的不公,阿莱姆因缺席审判而被判处无期徒刑。他的五名酷刑幸存者获得了损害赔偿。在短暂而激烈的审判中,阿莱姆在逃,而受害者则来到荷兰讲述他们的磨难。在许多方面,这是普遍管辖权、历史互补性和过渡正义的非凡而独特的案例。事实上,为期 10 天的审判是我过去 15 年来参加过的最激烈、最独特、最具历史意义的审判之一。在这份来自实地的笔记中,我讨论了埃塞俄比亚被遗忘的过渡时期司法事件,