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Developing Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past
International Journal of Transitional Justice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-21 , DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijw018
Yasmine Ahmed , Sara Duddy , Claire Hackett , Patricia Lundy , Mary McCallan , Gemma McKeown , Andrée Murphy , Catherine O'Rourke , Emma Patterson-Bennet , Leah Wing , Philipp Schulz

This Note documents the motivations, process and challenges in developing the 10 Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past in Northern Ireland. The Principles are the outcome of a targeted intervention by a group of women from civil society and academia in Ireland and the UK to challenge the exclusions of ongoing negotiations to agree on a process to deal with the past. The Principles were shaped by a small-scale consultation with women bereaved by the conflict. The Note discusses some of the implications of the initiative for efforts elsewhere to craft practical feminist interventions into transitional justice processes, including the challenges inherent to such work.



本说明记录了制定处理北爱尔兰历史遗留问题的 10 项性别原则的动机、过程和挑战。这些原则是来自爱尔兰和英国民间社会和学术界的一组妇女进行有针对性的干预的结果,旨在挑战正在进行的谈判,以商定处理过去的过程。这些原则是通过与因冲突失去亲人的妇女进行的小规模协商而形成的。该说明讨论了该倡议对其他地方为过渡时期司法程序制定切实可行的女权主义干预措施的一些影响,包括此类工作固有的挑战。