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Transitional justice and the challenges of a feminist peace
International Journal of Constitutional Law ( IF 1.419 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1093/icon/moaa050
Julieta Lemaitre

Colombia’s 2016 Peace Accords with the former FARC guerrillas expressed the triumphs and challenges of feminist mobilization. The resulting deal has been touted as “history’s most inclusive peace deal internationally.” During the negotiations groups of women combatants, government officials, and activists were successful in integrating a gender perspective into the Accords; their triumph extended to the selection of the judges of the new transitional justice system, where gender parity is a first for regional courts. With power, however, come new and complex challenges, not least the fact that perpetrators who admit perpetrating crimes of sexual violence will receive lenient, community service, sentences. Hope is perhaps to be found in feminist peace activism in Colombia, which has far exceeded the reiteration of women’s sexual victimization, and is set to take advantage of the incorporation of restorative justice to insist on the centrality of victim impact statements, the assessment of harm as part of transitional justice, and the incorporation of victim agency and expertise. However, as this article also argues, feminist activists are also right to be skeptical: there is no clear path to the construction of a feminist peace.



哥伦比亚与前哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队的 2016 年和平协议表达了女权主义动员的胜利和挑战。由此产生的协议被吹捧为“历史上最具包容性的国际和平协议”。在谈判期间,女战斗人员、政府官员和活动家小组成功地将性别观点纳入了协议;他们的胜利扩展到新的过渡时期司法系统法官的遴选,其中性别平等是地区法院的首要任务。然而,权力带来了新的复杂挑战,尤其是承认犯下性暴力罪行的肇事者将获得宽大的社区服务和刑罚。希望在哥伦比亚的女权和平行动主义中可以找到,这远远超出了对妇女性受害的重申,并准备利用恢复性司法的纳入来坚持受害者影响陈述的中心地位,将伤害评估作为过渡司法的一部分,并纳入受害者机构和专业知识。然而,正如本文所主张的,女权主义活动家的怀疑也是正确的:没有明确的路径来构建女权主义和平。