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Work orientation questionnaire: measurement invariance and criterion validity among Swiss, Israeli, and Italian workers
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10775-020-09436-1
Yuliya Lipshits-Braziler , Marc Abessolo , Sara Santilli , Ilaria Di Maggio

This study examined the measurement equivalence of the Work Orientation Questionnaire (WOQ) that assesses five orientations of work meaning: calling, job, career, social embeddedness, and busyness in a sample of Swiss, Israeli, and Italian workers (N = 909). Tests of measurement invariance suggest that the WOQ is reliable and valid across the three countries. Three out of the five orientations (calling, job, and social embeddedness) predicted work engagement, career satisfaction, and job satisfaction in all three countries. Overall, the WOQ seems to be a useful tool to assess the various meanings of work in a diversity of cultural settings.



这项研究检验了工作定向调查表(WOQ)的衡量当量,该问卷评估了瑞士,以色列和意大利工人的样本中的五个工作定向:呼叫,工作,职业,社会嵌入度和忙碌度(N  = 909)。度量不变性的测试表明,WOQ在这三个国家/地区都是可靠和有效的。五个方向(呼叫,工作和社交嵌入度)中的三个预测了这三个国家的工作投入,职业满意度和工作满意度。总体而言,WOQ似乎是评估多种文化背景下工作的各种含义的有用工具。
