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Fostering creative performance in art and design education via self-regulated learning
Instructional Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11251-018-9479-8
Jeffrey A. Greene , Rebekah Freed , R. Keith Sawyer

There is a lack of research and practice focused on how to foster higher-order processing, such as creative performance, within higher education settings. To address this gap in research, we chose to study pedagogical practices in schools of art and design, where one of the intended learning outcomes is creativity. Based upon data gathered as part of a larger study (Sawyer in Thinking Skills and Creativity, http://doi.org/10.1016/J.TSC.2018.08.002, 2018), we found that among a large number of creative performance pedagogical practices we identified, a subset seemed to foster self-regulated learning (SRL). Therefore, the goal of our study was to identify the ways art and design professors enacted practices that foster their students’ self-regulation during learning and performance. We found these professors utilized a number of direct and indirect methods of fostering their students’ SRL, all intended to enhance students’ ability to enact creative performance. In addition to revealing interesting comparisons between SRL in art and design and other more commonly studied contexts such as science or history, our findings suggested numerous directions for expanding SRL models, including a greater focus on process as the outcome of SRL, a need to continue research into SRL during higher-order processing, and gaps regarding the development of SRL.



缺乏针对如何在高等教育环境中促进高阶处理(例如创造性表现)的研究和实践。为了解决这一研究空白,我们选择在艺术与设计学校研究教学实践,其中预期的学习成果之一就是创造力。根据作为较大研究的一部分(思维技能和创造力的索耶(Sawyer in Thinking Skills and Creativity),http://doi.org/10.1016/J.TSC.2018.08.002,2018)收集的数据,我们发现在大量的创造性表现教学法中我们确定的实践中,有一个子集似乎可以促进自我调节学习(SRL)。因此,我们研究的目的是确定艺术和设计教授制定实践的方式,以促进学生在学习和表演过程中的自我调节。我们发现这些教授利用多种直接和间接的方法来培养学生的SRL,所有这些方法都是为了增强学生的创造力。除了揭示艺术和设计上的SRL与其他更常研究的背景(例如科学或历史)之间的有趣比较之外,我们的发现还提出了扩展SRL模型的许多方向,包括更加关注作为SRL结果的过程,需要继续在高阶处理中对SRL的研究,以及在SRL发展方面的差距。