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Impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s40803-018-0074-5
Jernej Letnar Černič

Central and Eastern European countries have in last decades faced several obstacles to establish full-functioning liberal constitutional democracies and the rule of law. This article studies the impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe by examining reasons for high number of judgements finding violations and difficulties in executing judgements in several of Central and Eastern Europe states. It analyses the contribution of the European Court of Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and asks whether its judgements have provided fundamental standards in the key dimensions of the rule of law. It does so by establishing the quadruple theoretical framework of the rule of law composed of: dealing with the past violations; the independence, impartiality and fairness of judiciary; pluralism, broadmindedness and tolerance; and protections under the right to life and the prohibition on torture, inhumane and degrading treatment. Central and Eastern European states have in last decades attempted to translate the rule of law de iure within governmental institutions and beyond. They have also attempted to internalise the values of the rule of law, constitutional democracy and democratic process. Equipped with this knowledge, this article argues that the European Court of Human Rights has contributed to establishing the rule of law de iure in Central and Eastern European countries, however its impact on the rule of law has been in practice limited due to institutional and policy limitations and wide-spread conundrums relating to the separation of powers, weak institutions and corruption. Therefore its values have yet to be internalised fully in domestic settings.



在过去的几十年中,中欧和东欧国家在建立功能完善的自由宪政民主和法治方面面临若干障碍。本文通过研究大量判决发现违反和在中东欧几个国家执行判决的困难的原因,研究了欧洲人权法院对中欧和东欧法治的影响。它分析了欧洲人权法院在中欧和东欧的贡献,并询问其判决是否为法治的关键方面提供了基本标准。为此,它建立了法治的四重理论框架,包括:处理过去的违法行为;司法机关的独立性,公正性和公正性;多元化 宽容和宽容;生命权保护和禁止酷刑,不人道和有辱人格的待遇。在过去的几十年中,中欧和东欧国家试图在政府机构内外实现法治化。他们还试图内化法治,宪政民主和民主进程的价值。掌握了这些知识后,本文认为欧洲人权法院为建立中欧和东欧国家的法治做出了贡献,但是由于制度和政策的原因,其对法治的影响实际上受到限制与三权分立,机构薄弱和腐败有关的局限性和广泛的难题。