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Manager migration, learning-by-hiring, and cultural distance in international soccer
Global Strategy Journal ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1002/gsj.1354
Thomas L. P. R. Peeters 1 , Brian M. Mills 2 , Enrico Pennings 1 , Hojun Sung 3

We investigate the international transfer of managerial know-how by analyzing manager migration patterns in the setting of international soccer. We characterize a country's managerial know-how by estimating a stochastic frontier model, which relates the country's soccer performance to socioeconomic and climatic conditions. We find evidence of learning-by-hiring in that hiring a migrant manager hailing from a high know-how country is beneficial to the destination country's performance. Larger cultural distance between the migrant manager and destination country reduces the effectiveness of learning-by-hiring, but this effect is moderated by the migrant manager's prior international experience. The transfer of managerial know-how contributes to the overall convergence of low-performing versus high-performing soccer countries.


