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International Women’s Day 2019: In Conversation with Harriet Wistrich
Feminist Legal Studies ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10691-019-09411-4
Harriet Samuels

This reflection item provides an edited account of human rights lawyer Harriet Wistrich’s conversation with Manvir Grewal, Visiting Lecturer and Ph.D. student, and Harriet Samuels, Reader in Law at the University of Westminster. It summarises the exchange which focused on Harriet Wistrich’s career trajectory and the many public interest law cases that she has brought on behalf her clients, mainly women, in both domestic and international forums. It also includes a condensed version of the question and answer session with the audience. Questions included the broader issues around domestic violence, rape, coercive control, sex work and the nature of feminism.


2019 年国际妇女节:与 Harriet Wistrich 对话

该反思项目提供了人权律师 Harriet Wistrich 与访问讲师和博士 Manvir Grewal 的对话的编辑记录。学生和 Harriet Samuels,威斯敏斯特大学法学博士。它总结了侧重于 Harriet Wistrich 的职业轨迹以及她在国内和国际论坛上代表客户(主要是女性)提起的许多公共利益法律案件的交流。它还包括与观众的问答环节的精简版。问题包括围绕家庭暴力、强奸、强制控制、性工作和女权主义本质的更广泛问题。