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Teachers’ Perspectives on the Identification of and Intervention for Students at Risk for Disabilities in South Korea
Exceptionality ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-07 , DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2020.1772066
Woori Kim 1 , Jiyeon Kim 2 , Sylvia Linan-Thompson 3


This study investigated teachers’ experiences and perspectives on the identification of and educational support for students at risk for disabilities. Three focus groups with general education teachers and four with special education teachers were conducted. The interview data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology. The results, based on axial coding, revealed the core phenomenon to be the cycle of referral, identification, and intervention. The contextual conditions that sustained the cycle were: (a) parental denial, (b) families with low SES or vulnerability, (c) the negative effects of labeling, (d) general education teachers’ workload, (e) ambiguity of special education teachers’ role, and (f) poor collaboration between general and special education teachers. The key factors required to switch to the positive cycle were teachers’ responsibility and competence. The action strategies to facilitate the identification and intervention processes were summarized as implementation of: (a) valid and reliable identification procedures, (b) schoolwide preventative intervention system, and (c) comprehensive family support.




本研究调查了教师在识别有残疾风险的学生和为他们提供教育支持方面的经验和观点。进行了三个由普通教育教师和四个由特殊教育教师组成的焦点小组。访谈数据采用扎根理论方法进行分析。基于轴向编码的结果揭示了核心现象是转诊、识别和干预的循环。维持这个循环的背景条件是:(a) 父母否认,(b) 社会经济地位低或脆弱的家庭,(c) 标签的负面影响,(d) 普通教育教师的工作量,(e) 特殊教育的模糊性教师的作用,以及 (f) 普通教育和特殊教育教师之间的合作不畅。转向正循环所需的关键因素是教师的责任和能力。促进识别和干预过程的行动策略概括为:(a) 有效和可靠的识别程序,(b) 全校预防干预系统,以及 (c) 全面的家庭支持。
