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Exceptional Children ( IF 4.091 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-14 , DOI: 10.1177/0014402919851459
John Wills Lloyd , William J. Therrien

For this issue, we are pleased to provide reports that are relevant for professionals concerned with practices, policies, and research about exceptional children. The articles not only address diverse subjects, but they also examine aspects of exceptionality from preschools to professional development, from classrooms to courts, and across research methods. In the first article, Amanda Sullivan and Daniel Osher examine how different policies regarding state and local education agencies’ obligations in defining and measuring significant disproportionality and providing early intervening services yielded inconsistent guidance. They found that sources presented different emphases on disproportionality and early intervening services, sometimes leaving education agencies with conflicts between discrimination and protection of individual rights. Deborah Reed, Ariel Aloe, Adam Reeger, and Jessica Folsom studied whether a summer reading program produced beneficial outcomes for students with and without disabilities. Administering a diverse battery of assessments, they found that most students improved, but those improvements depended on grade level and outcome measure. Tzu-Jung Lin, Jing Chen, Laura Justice, and Brook Sawyer reported about the play interactions of preschoolers, focusing especially on play interactions when children both with and without disabilities had chances to play together in inclusive settings. They found that children played with classmates of both statuses but that typically developing children were more likely to form same-status play interactions than were children with disabilities. Importantly, these cross-status interactions could be explained in part by other characteristics of the children, especially the pragmatic language competence of children with disabilities. In another study addressing disproportionality, Aleksis Kincaid and Amanda Sullivan integrated data sets to analyze whether juvenile justice cases revealed unique patterns for students with disabilities. The authors’ analyses of the data for Minnesota showed that, in comparison to their nondisabled peers, students with disabilities (especially emotional or behavioral disorders and other health impairments) were overrepresented in the cases, were charged with more severe offenses, and were even charged with higher degrees of offenses. In a behavior-analytic experiment, Andrew Markelz, Jonte Taylor, Tom Kitchen, Paul Riccomini, Mary Catherine Scheeler, and David McNaughton assessed both the direct and related effects of promoting a potent teaching practice. Their multiple-baseline study demonstrated that teachers using a smartwatch to queue themselves to deliver behavior-specific praise and to record whether they had done so resulted in not only higher rates of teacher praise but also higher levels of student engagement. As usual, these reports of research went through rigorous rounds of review and editing. We thank our associate editors, field reviewers, and ad hoc reviewers for their contributions to the effort to bring dependable studies to the readership of Exceptional Children. We consider these studies to be of interest to the diverse readership of the journal, and we hope that readers will find them as potentially valuable as we do.



对于这个问题,我们很高兴为关注特殊儿童的实践、政策和研究的专业人士提供相关报告。这些文章不仅涉及不同的主题,而且还研究了从学前班到专业发展、从课堂到法庭以及跨研究方法的特殊性的各个方面。在第一篇文章中,阿曼达·沙利文 (Amanda Sullivan) 和丹尼尔·奥舍 (Daniel Osher) 研究了关于州和地方教育机构在定义和衡量严重不成比例以及提供早期干预服务方面的义务的不同政策如何产生不一致的指导。他们发现,消息来源对不成比例和早期干预服务的侧重点不同,有时使教育机构在歧视与保护个人权利之间存在冲突。Deborah Reed、Ariel Aloe、Adam Reeger 和 Jessica Folsom 研究了暑期阅读计划是否对有残疾和没有残疾的学生产生了有益的结果。通过管理各种评估,他们发现大多数学生都有所进步,但这些进步取决于年级水平和结果衡量标准。Tzu-Jung Lin、Jing Chen、Laura Justice 和 Brook Sawyer 报告了学龄前儿童的游戏互动,特别关注残疾和非残疾儿童有机会在包容性环境中一起玩耍时的游戏互动。他们发现儿童与两种身份的同学一起玩耍,但与残疾儿童相比,正常发育的儿童更有可能形成相同身份的游戏互动。重要的,儿童的其他特征,尤其是残疾儿童的实用语言能力,可以部分解释这些跨身份互动。在另一项针对不成比例的研究中,Aleksis Kincaid 和 Amanda Sullivan 整合了数据集来分析少年司法案件是否揭示了残疾学生的独特模式。作者对明尼苏达州数据的分析表明,与非残疾同龄人相比,残疾学生(尤其是情绪或行为障碍和其他健康障碍)在案件中的比例过高,被指控犯有更严重的罪行,甚至被指控犯罪程度较高。在行为分析实验中,Andrew Markelz、Jonte Taylor、Tom Kitchen、Paul Riccomini、Mary Catherine Scheeler、和大卫麦克诺顿评估了促进有效教学实践的直接和相关影响。他们的多基线研究表明,教师使用智能手表对自己进行排队以提供特定行为的表扬并记录他们是否这样做不仅可以提高教师表扬率,还可以提高学生的参与度。像往常一样,这些研究报告经过了严格的审查和编辑。我们感谢我们的副主编、现场评审员和临时评审员为将可靠的研究带给 Exceptional Children 的读者所做的贡献。我们认为这些研究对期刊的不同读者感兴趣,我们希望读者会发现它们和我们一样具有潜在价值。