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Exceptional Children ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.1177/0014402920911902
John Wills Lloyd , William J. Therrien

For Issue 3 of Volume 86 of Exceptional Children, we present six articles on a broad array of topics in special education. Topics covered include profiles of children with special needs in the child welfare system, racial disproportionality in special education identification in the U.S. South, identification of disabilities among students whose first language is Spanish, engagement in transition services by African American students with special needs, retention of special education teachers, and literacy instruction for students with severe disabilities. Using data from the Department of Health and Human Service’s National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II, Gee examined the maltreatment profiles of children ages 5 through 17 with disabilities involved in the child welfare system. He reports that “supervisory neglect” and physical abuse were the most common maltreatment classes experienced by children with disabilities. Sexual abuse was the least common (1 in 10) type of maltreatment. Using data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Morgan and colleagues explored whether students of color were disproportionally identified with disabilities compared to Whites in the U.S. South. The authors report that when the analyses were adjusted for student-level variables, students of color were less likely to be identified with disabilities than White students. Swanson and colleagues explored the prevalence of latent classes at risk for reading or math disabilities (or both) in elementaryaged children whose first language was Spanish. Overall, they identified five latent classes, including one for children at risk for reading disabilities. Assessments encompassing three cognitive variables (naming speed, short-term memory, and working memory) given in English uniquely predicted the five latent classes. Dutta and colleagues investigated active engagement in transition-vocational rehabilitation services for African American high school students with disabilities. They found that a strong working alliance between students and their transition specialists resulted in higher levels of engagement in services. Via further analyses, they also ascertained that the constructs of autonomous motivation, competency, and outcome expectancy explained how working alliance affects student engagement. Using a national representative sample, Bettini and colleagues investigated variables that affected both general and special education teachers’ intent to stay in the profession. They found that both special and general education teachers reported greater likelihood to stay in the profession when they received strong administrative and collegial support. Teachers reported less intent to stay when they experienced more problems with students and served in high-poverty schools. Critically, strong administrative support positively affected teachers’ intent to stay in high-poverty schools. Hunt and colleagues conducted a conceptual replication random control trial of the Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) program. The authors implemented ELSB for kindergartenthrough-fourth-grade students with severe disabilities in general education classrooms located in 16 schools across three states. They reported that students with severe disabilities in the treatment condition outperformed students in the control or business-as-usual condition on measures of early phonics, phonological awareness, comprehension, and conventions of print awareness. We hope these articles provide you with knowledge to improve services for individuals with disabilities.



对于《特殊儿童》第 86 卷的第 3 期,我们发表了六篇关于特殊教育广泛主题的文章。涵盖的主题包括儿童福利系统中有特殊需要的儿童的概况、美国南部特殊教育识别中的种族不成比例、第一语言是西班牙语的学生的残疾识别、有特殊需要的非裔美国学生参与过渡服务、保留的特殊教育教师,以及对严重残疾学生的识字指导。Gee 使用来自卫生与公共服务部的全国儿童和青少年幸福感调查 II 的数据,检查了参与儿童福利系统的 5 至 17 岁残疾儿童的虐待情况。他报告说,“监督忽视”和身体虐待是残疾儿童最常见的虐待类别。性虐待是最不常见的(十分之一)虐待类型。使用来自全国教育进步评估的数据,Morgan 及其同事探讨了与美国南部的白人相比,有色人种学生是否被不成比例地认定为残疾。作者报告说,当针对学生级别的变量调整分析时,与白人学生相比,有色人种学生被认定为残疾的可能性较小。Swanson 及其同事研究了第一语言是西班牙语的小学儿童中存在阅读障碍或数学障碍(或两者)风险的潜在班级的流行情况。总的来说,他们确定了五个潜在类别,包括一项针对有阅读障碍风险的儿童。包含三个认知变量(命名速度、短期记忆和工作记忆)的评估以英语给出,唯一地预测了五个潜在类别。Dutta 及其同事调查了非裔美国残疾高中学生积极参与过渡性职业康复服务的情况。他们发现,学生和他们的过渡专家之间强大的工作联盟导致更高水平的服务参与。通过进一步的分析,他们还确定自主动机、能力和结果预期的结构解释了工作联盟如何影响学生参与。使用具有全国代表性的样本,Bettini 及其同事调查了影响普通教育和特殊教育教师留在该行业的意愿的变量。他们发现,特殊教育和普通教育教师在获得强有力的行政和学院支持后更有可能留在该行业。教师报告说,当他们遇到更多学生问题并在高贫困学校任职时,他们不太愿意留下来。至关重要的是,强有力的行政支持对教师留在高贫困学校的意愿产生了积极影响。Hunt 及其同事对 Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) 计划进行了概念复制随机对照试验。作者在位于三个州的 16 所学校的普通教育教室中为从幼儿园到四年级的严重残疾学生实施了 ELSB。他们报告说,在早期语音、语音意识、理解力和印刷意识习惯方面,治疗条件下的严重残疾学生的表现优于控制或一切照旧条件下的学生。我们希望这些文章为您提供改善残障人士服务的知识。