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Introduction to Special Issue on Mental Health and Mental Illness in Physical Education and Youth Sport
European Physical Education Review ( IF 3.675 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x20947554
Andy Smith 1

The idea for this special issue of European Physical Education Review preceded the current global Covid-19 pandemic which has unquestioningly exposed and amplified the deeply entrenched inequalities that characterise many countries around the world, and that were already widening before the beginning of the pandemic (e.g. Marmot et al., 2020; Wilkinson and Pickett, 2018). Worsening social, health and educational inequalities have been identified as especially important, and while impacting all social groups, they disproportionately disadvantage the least well-off who are already most vulnerable to poor health (including mental health) and other social problems (Campion et al., 2020; Centre for Mental Health, 2020; Marmot et al., 2020; Wilkinson and Pickett, 2018). In some countries, deaths involving Covid-19 have been shown to be much higher among those in the most deprived communities: in England, between 1 March and 31 May 2020, the agestandardised mortality rate of deaths involving Covid-19 was more than double in the most deprived areas, and in Wales the rate was nearly twice as high (Office for National Statistics, 2020). As Campion et al. (2020: 1) have noted, the ‘rapid global spread of Covid-19 is having wide ranging effects on population mental health’, and pandemics such as this are associated with increased risk of mental disorders and poor mental wellbeing. These risks, they argue, are mediated by ‘socioeconomic inequalities, poverty, debt, unemployment, food insecurity, social factors, quarantine, physical distancing, and physical inactivity’ (Campion et al., 2020: 1), including among children and young people (CYP) and their families. In an educational context, the Education Endowment Foundation (2020) have argued that school closures resulting from the Covid19 related lockdown in the UK, for example, will widen the attainment gap between disadvantaged



本期《欧洲体育评论》特刊的想法先于当前的全球Covid-19大流行,毫无疑问地暴露并放大了世界许多国家所特有的根深蒂固的不平等现象,这种不平等现象在大流行开始之前已经在扩大(例如Marmot et al。,2020; Wilkinson and Pickett,2018)。日益严重的社会,卫生和教育不平等现象已被确认为特别重要,并且在影响所有社会群体的同时,它们不利地不利于那些最容易遭受不良健康(包括心理健康)和其他社会问题的最富裕人士(Campion等, ,2020年;精神卫生中心,2020年; Marmot等,2020年; Wilkinson和Pickett,2018年)。在某些国家/地区,在最贫困的社区中,涉及Covid-19的死亡已显示出更高的死亡率:在英格兰,2020年3月1日至2020年5月31日之间,在最贫困的地区,与Covid-19有关的死亡的标准化年龄死亡率是其两倍以上,在威尔士,这一比率几乎是后者的两倍(国家统计局,2020年)。如Campion等。(2020:1)指出,“ Covid-19的快速全球扩散对人们的心理健康具有广泛的影响”,而诸如此类的大流行与增加的精神障碍风险和不良的心理健康相关。他们认为,这些风险是由“社会经济不平等,贫困,债务,失业,粮食不安全,社会因素,检疫,身体疏远和缺乏身体活动引起的”(Campion等,2020:1),包括儿童和年轻人(CYP)及其家人。在教育方面,教育捐赠基金会(2020)认为,例如,与英国Covid19相关的封锁导致学校停课,将扩大处境不利者之间的学业差距。