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Strapline: The perpetuation of prescriptivism in popular culture
English Today ( IF 1.156 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266078418000470
Carrie Ankerstein

It is probably safe to say that whenever an expert encounters their field of expertise outside of science or academia, they shudder at misrepresentations, over-simplifications or flat out untruths. This sort of thing sometimes happens to me when I indulge in a bit of couch potato lounging and come across remarks about English or language in general on sitcoms. Thanks to Netflix, I can watch all the shows I missed when they first aired. I say this so that you, dear reader, will understand why my focus is on shows that aired several years ago and are now run as repeats or binge watched via streaming.



可以肯定地说,每当专家遇到他们在科学或学术界之外的专业领域时,他们都会为失实陈述、过度简化或直截了当的谎言而战栗。当我沉迷于沙发土豆闲逛并在情景喜剧中看到关于英语或一般语言的评论时,这种事情有时会发生在我身上。感谢 Netflix,我可以观看我错过的所有节目第一次播出。亲爱的读者,我这样说是为了让你明白为什么我的重点是几年前播出的节目,现在通过流媒体重复播放或狂欢观看。