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Life skills for ‘real life’: How critical thinking is contextualised across vocational programmes
Educational Research ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-26 , DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2019.1633942
Maria Rönnlund 1 , Kristina Ledman 2 , Mattias Nylund 3 , Per-Åke Rosvall 1

ABSTRACT Background: This article presents an analysis of how critical thinking is contextualised in everyday teaching in three vocational education and training (VET) programmes: Vehicle and transport, Restaurant and management, and Health and social care. Purpose: The main question addressed is: What knowledge discourses permeate different VET-contexts, and hence what kinds of opportunities for critical thinking do they offer students? Method: The qualitative analysis draws on data from a four-year ethnographic project exploring learning processes that can be characterised as civic education in Swedish vocational education. The analysis presented here used data collected during 85 days of observations of teaching in six VET classes, interviews with 81 students and 10 teachers, and collected teaching material. To explore why some contextualisations provided more opportunities and encouragement for critical thinking than others, we applied Bernsteinian concepts of ‘horizontal and vertical knowledge discourses’ and ‘discursive gaps’. Findings and conclusions: Overall, teaching that was observed focused primarily on ‘doing’. However, in all three programmes, the analysis identified that there were also situations that touched upon critical thinking. Three major themes were identified: critical thinking related to ‘Personal experiences’, ‘The other(s)’ and ‘Wider perspectives’. It appeared that the frequency and nature of such situations varied with the knowledge discourses permeating the programme. Furthermore, we discuss the manifestations of critical thinking in relation to the wider context of what Bernstein refers to as pedagogic rights; individual enhancement, social inclusion and development of the competence and confidence to participate in political processes.



摘要 背景:本文分析了批判性思维如何在三个职业教育和培训 (VET) 计划的日常教学中情境化:车辆和运输、餐厅和管理以及健康和社会保健。目的:解决的主要问题是:哪些知识话语渗透到不同的职业教育与培训环境中,因此它们为学生提供了什么样的批判性思维机会?方法:定性分析利用了一个为期四年的民族志项目的数据,该项目探索了瑞典职业教育中可以被称为公民教育的学习过程。这里呈现的分析使用了在 85 天观察 6 个职业教育与培训班的教学过程中收集的数据,采访了 81 名学生和 10 名教师,并收集了教材。为了探究为什么某些情境化为批判性思维提供了更多的机会和鼓励,我们应用了伯恩斯坦的“横向和纵向知识话语”和“话语差距”的概念。结果和结论:总的来说,观察到的教学主要集中在“做”上。然而,在所有三个项目中,分析发现也存在涉及批判性思维的情况。确定了三个主要主题:与“个人经历”、“其他”和“更广泛的观点”相关的批判性思维。似乎这种情况的频率和性质随着贯穿该计划的知识话语而变化。此外,我们讨论了与伯恩斯坦所说的教学权利的更广泛背景相关的批判性思维的表现形式;